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词汇 notifies
释义 no·ti·fy 英'nəʊtɪfaɪ美'noʊtɪfaɪ COCA⁵⁷²³⁷BNC⁵⁵⁸⁸⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
vt. 通知,报告

give notice of; report

inform somebody of something;

I advised him that the rent was due

notify, acquaint, advise, inform, tell



2.在“通知”的手段上, acquaint主要指向某人提供资料; tell是指将某事直接告诉某人或把某些内容向他人讲述,即口头通知; inform既可指提供有关资料或信息,也可指直接告知某事; notify指正式用书面通知; advise则常用于商业活动,既可指书面通知,即通告,电告,也可指口头告知或电话通知,但不一定是正式的。

3.在通知的内容上, acquaint常用于范围广泛的内容复杂的信息; tell多指一个故事或一件事; inform既可指重要的信息,也可指普通的一件事; advise多指商业活动中对方应知晓的信息; notify则指严肃的事或对方应知晓的事,暗含事情紧迫,需立即答复或处理的意味。

4.在用法上,这组词均为及物动词,可跟简单宾语或“间接宾语+that/wh-从句”, acquaint还可跟with短语,常用于被动结构; advise还可跟of短语; inform还可跟含“带疑问词的动词不定式和含介词as to或about的复合宾语”; notify还常跟of短语和含动词不定式的复合宾语,常用于被动结构。







用作动词 v.
~+名词notify court通知法院notify lawyer通知律师notify parents通知父母notify the policeman报告警察~+副词notify abruptly突然通知notify appropriately正确地通知notify customarily照常通知notify formally正式通知notify nominally名义上地通知notify officially正式通知notify sympathetically深表同情地通知~+介词notify sb in writing书面通知某人notify of通知…notify to向…报告
notify of v.+prep.

通知… inform sb about sth

notify sb of sthHe notified her of his intentions.他把他的意图告诉她。
He has notified me of the change of his address.他已告诉我他的地址变了。
They notified us of a rent increase.他们通知我们房租增加了。
Please notify me of the time you may arrive.请通知我你何时可能到达。
Have the police been notified of your father's death?已把令尊去世的消息通知警方了吗?
He was notified of it.已有人告诉他那件事了。
notify to v.+prep.

通知… inform sb about sth

notify sth to sbI'll notify the time of the meeting to you.我会把开会时间通知你的。
We've notified our damage to the insurance company.我们已将损失向保险公司报告了。
Such case must be notified to the public.这种情况应该通知大家。
Any infectious disease must be notified at once to the Health Ministry.发现传染病必须立即向卫生部报告。近义词 to对于warn警告tell告诉post职位inform通知advise劝告report报告instruct教alert警觉的prime最好的apprize估价apprise通知let know告知remind使想起announce宣布send word通知acquaint使了解give notice通知advertise登广告announce to向 … 宣布tip off事先给警告或暗示…
S+~+ n./pron.When my guest arrives, please notify me.我的客人到的时候,请通知我。
Before organizing that procession along the street we ought to have notified the police.在组织上街游行之前,我们应该通报警察。
We'll notify the time of the meeting on the bulletin board.我们将在布告栏上公布会议的时间。
The father notified his son's birth.父亲公告了他儿子的出生。
S+~+ n./pron. +to- vWe'll notify her to draw up a contract.我们将通知她草拟一份合同。
I'll notify my lawyer to write out the agreement .我将通知律师把契约写好。
I have got a letter notifying me to appear before the committee.我接到一封信,通知我到委员会去。S+~+ n./pron. +wh-to- vHe didn't notify me how to get in touch with him.他没有告诉我怎样跟他联系。
The court clerk will notify the witness when and where to appear.法院办事员将通知证人出庭的时间及地点。
We'll notify you where to get it.我们会通知你在什么地方取。S+~+ n./pron. +that-clauseI am glad to notify you that your mother has arrived.我很高兴告诉你,你母亲到了。
Our teacher notified us that there would be a test on Monday.我们老师通知我们星期一要考试。
They notified the authorities that pollution in that area was serious.他们报告当局那个地区的污染严重。
I notified the post office that my address had changed.我把变更的地址通知了邮局。
I was abruptly notified that a half-hour speech was expected of me.我突然被通知要讲半个小时的话。S+~+ n./pron. +wh-clausePlease notify us when you arrive, so that we'll be ready.请通知我们你们什么时候到达,以便我们做准备。
He will notify us where we are to meet.他将通知我们在什么地方集合。



用作动词Pleasenotifyus of any change of address.地址如有变动,请通知我们。
Shenotifiedus of the meeting.她通知我们开会。
We'llnotifyher to draw up a contract.我们将通知她起草一份合同。
They willnotifyher when to appear in court.他们将通知她何时出庭。
The nurse mustnotifythe doctor if the patient shows unusual symptoms.护士需向医生报告异常情况。
Banks are also obligated tonotifythe Internal Revenue Service of certain questionable transactions.第三种信息来源来自银行有义务提交有关方面存在问题的报告给地方税务机关。
We willnotifyparticipants when the beta test is nearing completion.当测试接近尾声,我们会通告参与测试者。 The core notifies the driver using previously registered callback functions after the transfer request is completed.
传送请求完成后,核心会使用以前注册的回调函数来通知驱动程序。 ibm

The POS client notifies him that his receipt will be printed at printer3.
POS客户端通知他,表明他的收据将在第3台打印机上打印。 ibm

The proxy service monitors each job that it has submitted and, upon completion, notifies the requestor that the task has been completed.
代理服务监视所提交的每个作业,在作业完成时,通知请求程序任务已经完成。 ibm

The purchasing group notifies the requestor of the status, then sends the order out for processing.
采购团队将申请的状态通知给申请者,然后发出订购单进行后续处理。 ibm

The trigger handler matches the data to existing user subscriptions and notifies the users based on their preferences.
触发器处理程序使数据符合现有的用户订阅并根据他们的参数设置通知用户。 ibm

The user difference is the further re-enforcement of receiving an email message that notifies them that they are over- quota.
用户体验的不同之处是会进一步收到一封通知他们超过限额的电子邮件。 ibm

A final dialog box notifies you that you have not yet committed your changes, and ask if you want to commit them.
最后一个对话框通知您,您还没有提交您的更改,并询问您是否想提交它们。 ibm

Continuous Flow: It notifies needs of production before the store runs out of stock.
连续流通:它会在仓库耗尽库存之前通知生产的需求。 infoq

Ferguson sees Michael with a backpack and notifies Pad Man, who has all flights grounded.
费格森看到迈可带着背包,通知了“将军”,“公司”将所有航班停飞。 yeeyan

For this implementation example, let's imagine a system that, upon some action taken, notifies customers via disparate communication channels.
在这个实现场景中,设想系统在某一操作发生后,通过各不相同的通讯渠道通知客户。 ibm

He notifies the technical project lead that he can start on the work, which is easily accomplished by sending a link via E- mail.
他通知了技术项目头头告诉他可以开始工作了,这只需通过电子邮件发送一个链接就可以轻松搞定。 infoq

In this case, the server notifies the delegated client using a callback path existing between client and server, and recalls the delegation.
在这种情况下,服务器会通过客户机与服务器之间的一个回调路径通知授权的用户,并收回授权。 ibm

In this scenario, the network layer notifies all network listeners that a request has been issued to go offline.
在这种场景中,网络层通知所有的网络侦听程序:离线的请求已发布。 ibm

It notifies the user that the program is loading and provides application information, such as product name and copyright.
它通知用户应用程序正在加载,并且提供产品名和版权等应用程序信息。 ibm

Once registered, the parser notifies the content handler of all parse events as the parser processes the document.
一旦注册完毕,当语法分析器处理文档时,语法分析器就会通知所有分析事件的内容处理程序。 ibm

That way, when the model notifies, you run the least amount of code to refresh only what has changed.
这样,当模型发出通知时,可以运行最少的代码以便只刷新那些发生更改的内容。 ibm

The agent quickly disables Jack, and notifies the other agents through his headset to cover Palmer.
那名特工马上制服了杰克,并且通过他的耳麦通知其他的特工,保护好帕默。 yeeyan

This component then notifies the registered applications so they can take appropriate action before encountering the network error.
此组件继而通知已注册的应用程序以便它们遇到这个网络错误之前采取相应的操作。 ibm

Trishanne listens in on T-Bag's call to Gretchen when she says there is another buyer interested in Scylla. Trishanne notifies Self of the handoff.
翠珊偷听了西奥多和格雷琴的电话,通话中格雷琴说有另一个买家对“锡拉”有兴趣。翠珊通知赛尔夫这一情况。 yeeyan

Welcome form: The welcome form displays a list of appointments already set and notifies the user if no appointments have been set.
欢迎表单:欢迎表单显示一个已经设置好的约会列表,如果没有设置约会,则通知用户。 ibm

When the user notifies the system that they are absent, their work is automatically assigned to their substitutes.
当用户通知系统自己缺席时,他们的工作会自动分配给替换者。 ibm

When a place is saved as a template, CAI notifies each component in the place using this interface.
当将一个位置保存为模板后, CAI将使用这个接口通知该位置的每个组件。 ibm

When invoked, the service notifies an individual of a task to do and passes the input data in an appropriate form.
该服务被调用时,将通知承担任务的个人进行相关工作,并将输入数据以恰当的形式传递给此人。 ibm

You fully integrate when you drop changes, and the automated build notifies you when a test case fails or a change induces errors.
当放弃变更时,仍可以保持程序完整。而且,测试用例失败或变更引发错误时,自动化构建会通知您。 ibm




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