

单词 nothing more
释义 nothing more ˈnʌθiŋmɔ: 短语⁵⁵⁴⁵
I like his books, nothing more. Nothing more.
我喜欢他的书,但是除此外就没有别的了。 yeeyan

Our life is nothing more than our time. To kill time is therefore a form of suicide.
再说,我们的生命无非就是我们的时间,因此浪费时间也就是一种自杀。 ebigear

Some argued that what Owen and his collaborators saw was nothing more than an automatic activation of those brain regions on hearing certain words.
有些人认为欧文和他的同事只是观察到了大脑中那些区域听见某些词语后的自发激活而已。 yeeyan

This was just his second album, nothing more.
这仅仅是他的第二张专辑,仅此而已。 yeeyan

When he switched to that language, I understood the phrase in which paper, but nothing more.
当他换用阿拉伯语说的时候,我明白纸上的短语,但也仅此而已。 yeeyan




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