

单词 nothing but
释义 nothing but 英'nʌθɪŋ bʌt美'nʌθɪŋ bʌt 6研G短语¹²⁷⁵
只不过; 只有
anything but,nothing but,all but,none but


anything but=not at all, by no means, never表示“决不,根本不”。

nothing but=only表示“只不过,除了……以外什么也没有”。

all but=almost, nearly表示“几乎,差一点”。

none but=no one except表示“只有;除……外谁也不”。

and nothing but the truth决无谎言,所说全实…nothing else but无异于(简直是…
近义词 all but几乎none but 只有anything but根本不
Nothing but a miracle can save her life.只有奇迹才能挽救她的生命。
No one but ticket-holders was admitted.只有持票者方可入内。as in.(all
同义词 alone,onlysolely
反义词 incompletelyas in.just
同义词 but,only,simplyat most,no more than,plainly,solely
反义词 indefinitelyas in.only
同义词 alone,entirely,hardly,merely,particularly,purely,simply,solelybut,justat most,plainly,totally,uniquely,utterly,wholly
反义词 incompletely,indefinitely
alladverb exclusively
justadverb merely
at most,but,no more than,nothing but,only,plainly,simply,solely
onlyadverb barely;exclusively
alone,at most,but,entirely,hardly,just,merely,nothing but,particularly,plainly,purely,simply,solely,totally,uniquely,utterly,wholly A feed source is nothing but a URL at which a particular content provider periodically syndicates the content for a given information category.
提要源只不过是一种 URL,在这个 URL,特定的内容提供者定期地为给定的信息类别连锁内容。 ibm

The makers of a famous symbol of hope, it seems, see nothing but doom and gloom.
蜡烛以象征希望而著名,而它的制造者们看到的只有暗淡和无望。 ecocn

He thought of nothing but ruling England, for God.
他头脑中只有一个念头:为上帝统治英伦。 ecocn

Instead, it has been nothing but trouble. Twice, it has killed its crew.
哪想它带来的却只有麻烦,两次都害死了它的机组人员。 ecocn

So for days and days she had nothing but bread and butter and tea.
所以好多天来她只有黄油面包和和茶来充饥。 hjenglish

Nothing but contempt is due to those people who ask us to submit to unmerited oppression.
对于那些要求我们服从我们不能受之压迫的人,我们有的只是轻蔑。 hjenglish




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