

单词 notepaper
释义 note·pa·per 英ˈnəʊtˌpeɪpə美ˈnotˌpepɚAHDnōtʹpā'pər ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁷³³²⁰BNC³³²⁶³iWeb⁵³⁵¹⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

writing paper intended for writing short notes or lettersheaded notepaper印有抬头的信笺…
蒋争熟词记忆note笔记paper纸⇒便条纸;信纸note笔记paper纸⇒便条纸;信纸近义词 stationery文具writing pad书写纸letterhead信笺抬头writing paper写字纸

用作名词Can you read the addresses embossed on thenotepaper?你能看出凸印在信纸上的地址吗?
She is writing something on a sheet ofnotepaper.她在一张信纸上写东西。
I prefernotepaperwithout any line.我喜欢不带条的便笺。
This must be an official order - it is wrote on the company'snotepaper.它被写在公司的信纸上,这肯定是经过批准的命令。as in.writing paper
同义词 recycled paper,stationery,wove paper,writing pad
writing papernoun paper for writing
recycled paper,stationery,wove paper,writing pad Beside the grave you’ll often find epistles, teenage attempts at romantic poetry scrawled on notepaper, and lovingly dedicated letters.
在墓地旁边经常可以找到书信体诗,在便笺上潦草写下的豆蔻年华的浪漫诗,还有亲切的献辞。 yeeyan

Bring along notepaper and a pen to jot down information as your doctor addresses your questions.
带上纸和笔,当医生在处理你问题的时候,你就可以快速记下信息。 yeeyan

Carry packets of stickers and let her just peel and paste them onto notepaper, in the coloring book or on plain construction paper.
准备几包贴纸,就让孩子把贴纸剥开并粘在画画本,彩色书上或是空白的图画用纸上。 yeeyan

Consider questions to ask your doctor and write them down. Bring along notepaper and a pen to jot down information as your doctor addresses your questions.
想想问医生的问题,并记下它们。带上纸和笔,当医生在处理你问题的时候,你就可以快速记下信息。 yeeyan

He couldn't insert his notepaper into the roller properly, his fingers were shaking so violently.
他无论如何也不能把信纸平整地插在打字机的滚筒上,他的手指抖动得太厉害了。 bab

He tossed over, as he spoke, a crumpled sheet of foreign notepaper.
说着,他扔给我一张弄皱的外国信纸。 voiceofgb

I folded my notepaper and headed for the library.
我折叠起笔记本,往图书馆走去。 ebigear

I found the old man I need to interviewed from the address on the notepaper.
据便签上的地址,我找到了要采访的老人。 nciku

My computer is broken so I have to use notepaper.
我的电脑坏了,所以我不得不使用信纸。 yq6z

My computer is broken so I have to use notepaper.
我的电脑坏了,因此我只好使用信纸。 yscbook




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