

单词 nostalgic
释义 nos·tal·gic 英nɒ'stældʒɪk美nɒ'stældʒɪk ★☆☆☆☆高S八TCOCA¹⁵⁹³⁶BNC¹⁵⁰³¹iWeb¹¹⁵⁸⁰Economist¹³¹⁶⁸


of,feeling or causing nostalgia

unhappy about being away and longing for familiar things or personsnostalgia乡愁
nostalg-痛-ic…的⇒adj.怀旧的⁸⁴;乡愁的¹⁶adj.令人怀念的;怀乡的;对往事怀恋的;使怀旧的;使人怀念过往的近义词 misty有雾的longing渴望yearning渴望wistful渴望的regretful惋惜的sentimental感伤的homesick想家的,思乡的…
~+ n.The film provided an evening of nostalgic viewing.晚上放了一部怀旧的影片。
用作形容词Thenostalgicatmosphere becomes less apparent.怀旧的气氛变淡了。
Dixon gave a sad,nostalgicsmile.狄克逊脸上露出一丝怀旧的苦笑。
They are notnostalgicthoughts, not national allegories, but rich imaginaries about personal life demand and inner feeling.她的小说不是乡愁的言说,也不关乎国族寓言,而是有关个体生命诉求与情感旨归的多维想象。adj.longingly remembering
同义词 regretful,sentimental,wistfulcornball,down memory lane,drippy,homesick,like yesterday,lonesome,longing,mushy,sappy,sloppy,syrupy,yearning
gushyadjective sentimental
hauntingadjective unforgettable
reminiscentadjective suggestive of something in the past
bringing to mind,evocative,implicative,mnemonic,nostalgic,recollective,redolent,remindful,similar
retroadjective from yesteryear
dated,evocative,in period style,nostalgic,old-fashioned,old-world,out-of-date,passé,period
romanticadjective sentimental, idealistic
schmaltzyadjective sentimental
affected,affectionate,bathetic,corny,demonstrative,dewy-eyed,dreamy,effusive,gushing,gushy,idealistic,impressionable,inane,insipid,jejune,languishing,lovey-dovey,loving,maudlin,mawkish,moonstruck,mushy,nostalgic,overacted,overemotional,passionate,pathetic,romantic,rosewater,saccharine,sappy,silly,simpering,sloppy,slushy,soapy,sobby,soft,softhearted,soppy,sugary,sweet,syrupy,tear-jerking,tearful,tender,touching,vapid,visionary,weepy Oh, sure, it seems the “ tigers” are already in their late30s and that will no doubt be nostalgic for the post-70s.
当然啦,昔日的小虎队成员们都已经年过30,他们的出现无疑会引发70后观众的怀旧情感。 i21st

As Google continues to break new ground at a tremendous rate, perhaps the button will give some impact on the Nostalgic.
谷歌一直都在以惊人的速度创新,但是移除这个按钮可能会对一些怀旧的人产生影响。 huanqiu

But experts say feeling nostalgic is actually good for your mental health.
但专家说怀旧情绪实际上有利于精神健康。 yeeyan

Email is quicker, cheaper and more convenient; receiving a handwritten letter from a friend has become a rare, even nostalgic, pleasure.
电子邮件快速、便宜并且更方便;收到朋友寄来的手写信件,已经成了怀旧而稀有的快乐。 yeeyan

For others, no doubt, brought up in the Star Wars age, it is yet another nostalgic return to England- land.
对其他人——当然,他们在《星球大战》时代长大——来说,这倒意味着另一种对“英格兰”土地的怀旧复归。 edu.sina.com.cn

I’ve been toying around with Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis again, and it fills me with this nostalgic glee.
我现在又开始玩印第安纳琼斯和大西洋国的游戏了,这让我心中充满了怀旧的喜悦。 yeeyan

It generated a spin-off book that included nostalgic essays by some of the children.
它还衍生出一本书,书中收录了一些孩子所写的怀旧文章。 yeeyan

Light purple evokes romantic and nostalgic feelings.
浅紫色唤起浪漫和怀旧的情感。 yeeyan

Many of us are simply nostalgic.
我们许多人只是有点怀旧。 iciba

Michael never wanted the film to be nostalgic, like you’re watching the past.
迈克尔不想将这部影片拍成怀旧的感觉,就好像回望过去一样。 yeeyan

Past isn't something to be glamorized to be the nostalgic about, sentimental about, because the past is gone.

Sweet potato pie, commonly eaten on Thanksgiving, can bring about a nostalgic experience.
香甜可口的马铃薯派,通常会在感恩节吃,能够引起怀旧的感受。 yeeyan

The rich textures and vivid detail create a longing to be a part of the nostalgic scenes.
质地的丰富和细节的生动令人神往,只恨无缘置身于这些怀旧的场景之中。 yeeyan

To Solzhenitsyn, Russia meant the old Russia of the19th century, a nostalgic, spiritual Russia of the soul.
对索尔仁尼琴来说,俄罗斯是19世纪的就俄罗斯,是一个怀旧的,精神上的灵魂俄罗斯。 yeeyan




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