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Nosema bombycis 基本例句 医蚕小孢子虫 Pebrine disease is a traditional and destructive disease in sericulture.The causative agent isNosema bombycis.家蚕Bombyx mori微粒子病作为传统养蚕业上一种既古老而又具毁灭性的传染性疫病,其致病病原为家蚕微粒子孢子Nosema bombycis,简称N.;b。 The method for extractingNosema bombycisDNA from Bombyx mori eggs infected withNosema bombyciswas studied to approach the feasible application of detecting through PCR.摘要为促进用PCR法检测家蚕微粒子病的生产应用,对带毒蚕卵中的家蚕微孢子虫DNA提取方法进行了研究。 Abstract: The method for extractingNosema bombycisDNA from Bombyx mori eggs infected withNosema bombyciswas studied to approach the feasible application of detecting through PCR.文章摘要: 为促进用PCR法检测家蚕微粒子病的生产应用,对带毒蚕卵中的家蚕微孢子虫DNA提取方法进行了研究。 silkworm Bombyx moriNosema bombycis家蚕微孢子 Analyses of small subunit ribosomal RNA sequence of the microsporidium,Nosema bombycisand its secondary structure小亚基核糖体RNA全基因的克隆及其二级结构的构建 Infection and proliferation ofNosema bombycisfrom single speckle of silkworm silk gland in insect cell在昆虫细胞中的感染增殖观察 |