

单词 North Star
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the brightest star in Ursa Minor; at the end of the handle of the Little Dipper; the northern axis of the earth points toward it近义词 Polaris北极星polestar北极星pole star北极星目标…
用作名词These stars appear to move around theNorth Star.这些星星似乎环绕着北极星转。
I'm the star in the northern sky.我是北极星空的一颗明星。noun.polaris
同义词 cynosure,guiding star,lodestar,polar star,polestar The Earth's axis points toward Polaris, the North Star, near the center of the concentric trails.
地轴指向北极星,在这一圈同心圆中心附近。 yeeyan

The umbrella turns on its axis, and so the North Star appears in the sky.
雨伞打开它的轴,所以北极星出现在天空。 blog.sina.com.cn

“ I knew the North Star, ” Henson wrote years later.
“我会认北斗星,”许多年后亨森写道。 ebigear

“ Our principles are our north star,” she said, “ but our tools and tactics must be flexible.”
“我们的信念是我们的北极星,”她说,“但我们的工具和策略必须灵活。” ecocn

Bright north star Polaris stands above the peak in an exposure that also captures the brilliant trail of a polar orbiting Iridium satellite.
峰顶正上方是明亮的北极星,这次曝光正好逮住了一颗极轨铱星的闪光。 yeeyan

Even if Moses can't fit you into her next group, she'll tell you how to follow the North Star to freedom in Canada.
甚至如果摩西不能把你安排进她的下一组,她也会告诉你怎样跟随北极星到达加拿大的自由土地。 blog.sina.com.cn

Hard times will pass, but your“ north star” will still be there.
艰难士气会过去,但是你的“北极星”将依然在那。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

He has said recently that he is guided by a “ north star”, that America is passing through another“ Sputnik moment”, that he intends to reform the tax code and tackle the deficit.
最近,他谈到他以“北极星”为指引,美国正在错失另一个“人造卫星的时机”,他计划改革免税代码解决赤字问题。 yeeyan

I am no more lonely than the Millbrook, or a weathercock, or the north star, or the south wind, or an April shower, or a January thaw, or the first spider in a new house.
比想密尔溪,风标,北极星,南风,四月春雨,正月融雪,或者新房中的第一只蜘蛛,我也并不更加孤单。 hjenglish

I was glad to find the North Star, which pointed out for me the Big Dipper.
我欣喜地发现了北极星,并顺着它的方向找到了像勺子形状一样的北斗七星。 blog.sina.com.cn

Inside the Wolf's eye, the North Star.
在狼的眼睛内部,是北极星。 blog.sina.com.cn

Inside the North Star, the Wolf's fang.
在北极星的内部,是狼的尖牙。 blog.sina.com.cn

One real runaway slave, among the rest, whom I helped to forward toward the north star.
其中有一个真正的逃亡者,我帮他朝北极星的那个方向逃去。 blog.sina.com.cn

Or Polaris, the North Star?
或者熟悉北极星么? iciba

Orion won't rise until Cassipeia swings above Polaris, the North Star.
直到仙后座移动到北极星的上方,猎户座才会升起。 iciba

The North Star seemingly holds everything in place, even when there is no place to hold anything.
北极星看似拥有一切的地方,即使是没有地方可以容纳任何东西。 blog.sina.com.cn

Using a longer focal length and photographing stars far from the north star increase the distance stars will move across the image.
使用长焦镜头拍摄远离北极星的星星,会增加星星在相片上移动轨迹。 yeeyan

Without a compass, he had to navigate by the North Star.
没有指南针,他只能依靠北极星来航行。 chinabaike

You are my life, the North Star, with You , I will never get lost in the open sea on.
你是我生命的北极星,有了,我再也不会在茫茫大海上迷失航向。 bitauto

North Star is used to locate true north-south line.
经常利用北极星来确定北南线。 yeeyan




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