

单词 Northrup
释义 Northrup ˈnɔːrθrəp COCA⁵⁶⁴⁷⁵BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
“Eating sugars and starches has an opiate-like effect on the brain, ” Northrup says.
糖和淀粉能对大脑产生相当于镇定剂的作用,“ Northrup说。” ccun

According to Dr. Northrup, this is the“ second chakra” talking.
按诺斯鲁普博士所说,这是爱情的第二轮对话。 yeeyan

And just last month one of the largest employers in the region, Northrup Grumman, which builds ships, announced the closure of its local operations.
就在上月,该地区最大的雇主之一诺斯洛普格鲁曼 Northrup Grumman造船公司宣布关闭了其在当地的运营机构。 ecocn

He wouldn't eat, and at a year old weighed just10 pounds. Northrup's mother exhausted herself caring for Bill and her four other children.
他不会吃东西,一岁大时,只有10磅重, Northrup的母亲费劲心力照顾比尔和其他四个孩子。 ccun

Hubbard and Northrup ended up in Los Angeles.
哈伯德和贝蒂在洛杉矶分手了。 yeeyan

One day, Hubbard and Northrup ran off together.
一天,哈伯德和贝蒂一起跑了。 yeeyan

Sleep is one of the best ways to stay healthy, Northrup says.
睡眠是保持健康的最好途径之一, Northrup说。 yeeyan

Solomon Northrup was born into a free black family that lived in New York. His father had been a slave to the Northrup family, but had been freed.
所罗门·诺思拉普出生于纽约一个自由黑人家庭,他父亲曾经是诺思拉普家族的奴隶,但已经获得自由。 zy.30edu.com

The fear and expectation of having something adverse happen actually lowers immunity, says Northrup.
对不利事物的恐惧和期待实际上会降低免疫力的。 yeeyan




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