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Northrop Frye 基本英英例句 弗莱
Noun: Canadian literary critic interested in the use of myth and symbolism 1912-1991Northrop Fryeis the representative of the mytho-archetypical criticism.神话原型批评理论的代表是弗莱。 Robert D. Denhhan,Northrop Fryeon Culture and Literature, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1978 ,p. 33.卡尔·博格斯:《知识分子与现代性危机》;李俊等译;江苏人民出版社;2002年;第235页. Northrop Fryehas a theory of elite culture, which beholds culture as a utopian force, and has affinities with that of Matthew Arnold, F.弗莱的精英文化观与马修·阿诺德、F. The promise thinksNorthrop Fryeis 20 centuries,Canada and is also an esthetician of western and literature theoreticians.诺思罗普.;弗莱是20世纪加拿大而且也是西方著名美学家和文学理论家。 Northrop Frye, Five-level theory,Medieval Four-level scheme, Dante Alighieri,Roman Ingarden,Rene Wellek,Structuralism,Roland Barthes.01弗莱;“五层面”学说;“四层”图谱;但丁;英伽登;韦勒克;结构主义;巴尔特 From a more widespread significance,Northrop Fryeis a cultural critic rather than an archetype critic with the structuralism tendency.从更广泛的意义上看,弗莱与其说是一位有着结构主义倾向的原型批评家,不如说更是一位文化批评家。 |