

单词 northerly
释义 north·er·ly 英ˈnɔːðəliː美ˈnɔrðəliAHDnôr“Yər-lē ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴³⁹¹¹BNC²²⁶³⁶iWeb²²³³²Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
a wind that blows from the north
situated in or oriented toward the north;

the northern suburbs

going in a northerly direction

coming from the north; used especially of wind;

the north wind doth blow

a northern snowstorm

the winds are northerly

in a northern direction;

they earn more up north

Let's go north!

north-er名人|物-ly像⇒adj.北方的¹⁵;向北的¹⁷;来自北方的adv.向北地;自北来n.北风⁵²近义词 north北方的northward北方Northern北部的northwards向北north wind北风norther酷寒北风

用作形容词It was also the time that KOPPU decelerated and started a morenortherlytrack.巨爵于差不多同一时间减速并开始采取一个较北的路径。
The aircraft was flying in anortherlydirection.飞机正在向北飞去。
The fleet began to fill away on anortherlycourse.船队开始顺风向北航行。用作名词Coldnortherlieswill bring rain to Scotland this week.寒冷的北风本星期将给苏格兰带来雨水。adj.boreal
同义词 arctic,north,northern,northwardpolar
northadjective toward the top pole of the earth
arctic,boreal,cold,frozen,hyperborean,northbound,northern,northmost,northward,polar,septentrional,toward North Pole,tundra
northadverb toward the top pole of the earth
arctic,boreal,cold,frozen,hyperborean,northbound,northerly,northern,northmost,northward,polar,septentrional,toward North Pole,tundra
northernadjective pertaining to the north
arctic,boreal,hyperborean,north,northerly,septentrion,septentrional A cold, northerly wind that blows across Spain and Portugal.
西班牙和葡萄牙的寒冷北风。 yeebang.com

Sightings over the decades have shown that ever more of these warblers migrate to northerly grounds in the winter rather than heading south.
几十年的观察显示这些鸟在冬天更多地迁往北方而不是向南飞。 edu

The cloud streets run in the direction of the northerly wind that helps form them.
云街顺着偏北风的方向运动,形状也受风向的影响。 yeeyan

The remoteness of this most northerly part of the British mainland was why, in1955, the government sited an experimental nuclear reactor at Dounreay, a few miles from Thurso.
因为位于英国大陆的最北端的偏远地带,政府1995年在离瑟索数英里远的敦雷建立了一座实验性核反应堆。 ecocn

With that5,000-metre natural barrier behind us, we were steering steeply down towards Sost, Pakistan's most northerly town.
背后是海拔5000米的自然屏障,我们沿着陡峭的山路下坡前往 Sost,这是巴基斯坦最北端的市镇。 yeeyan

A string of recent polls has shown increased support among English people for separation from their northerly neighbours.
一连串的民意测验显示越来越多的英格兰人赞成与北邻----苏格兰划清界限。 ecocn

Clouds lingered just above the brightly coloured wooden houses. Beneath were the world's most northerly people, living in a quite implausible environment.
当时,云层尚在色彩鲜艳的木制房屋上方飘荡徘徊,云的下端是生活在地球最北边的居民,这里的自然环境相当令人难以置信。 yeeyan

Monroe Harbour, on Lake Michigan, would host the rowing events, while Northerly Island would become the venue for beach volleyball and sailing.
密歇根湖的梦露海港,将举办赛艇比赛,而北风岛将成为沙滩排球和帆船赛场。 cnnas

So is this the end of more than four decades of separatist violence in Spain's northerly Basque region? Are ETA and terrorism finally removed from the national debate?
那么,在西班牙北部巴斯克地区持续了四十多年的分离主义暴力冲突就此结束了吗?埃塔组织和恐怖主义终于远离国民讨论了吗? ecocn

So is this the end of more than four decades of separatist violence in Spain's northerly Basque region?
那么,在西班牙北部巴斯克地区持续了四十多年的分离主义暴力冲突就此结束了吗? ecocn

The DS position is further complicated by discontent within the party ranks in its electoral heartland of Vojvodina, Serbia’s richest and most northerly region.
伏伊伏丁那 Vojvodina是塞尔维亚最富饶也是最北部的地区,同时是民主党竞选的中心地带,不过这里党内各阶层的不满情绪使得民主党的处境更加错综复杂。 ecocn

The cooler northerly and easterly winds blowing across the North Sea have been picking up moisture and dumping it as snow and rain on land.
吹过北海的更冷偏北、偏东寒风得到了大量水汽,从而带来了大量的雨雪。 yeeyan

Winter, cold northerly wind“ whir” demonstrations to Trachypenaeus tree can Trachypenaeus tree without fear, and never bow to the north.
冬天,寒冷的北风“呼呼”地向鹰爪树示威,可鹰爪树毫无畏惧,从不向北风低头。 tradeask




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