

单词 northanger
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And so you are going to Northanger!
这么说,你要去诺桑觉寺啦! tingroom

The conversation between them at Northanger had been of the most unfriendly kind.
他们父子俩在诺桑觉寺的谈话不客气极了。 tingroom

Eleanor invites Catherine to visit the Tilney home in Northanger Abbey.
埃莉诺请凯瑟琳蒂尔尼访问家中诺桑觉寺。 lwdx123.com

Her deep knowledge of the city is fully seen in two of her novels, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, which are largely set in Bath.
她对这座城市的了解,可以在她的《诺桑觉寺》和《劝导》这两部作品中得到体现,因为它们大部分以该城市为背景。 gougo.org

Her novels, published from1811 onwards, include “ Sense and Sensibility”, “ Pride and Prejudice”, “ Mansfield Park”, “ Emma”, “ Northanger Abbey” and“ Persuasion”.
自1811年起,她发表的小说有:《理智与情感》,《傲慢与偏见》 ,《曼斯菲尔德庄园》,《艾玛》,《诺桑觉寺》,和《劝导》 。 putclub

I did not quite like, at breakfast, to hear you talk so much about the French bread at Northanger.
吃早饭的时候,你大讲特讲诺桑觉寺的法式面包,我就不大愿意听。 tingroom

It is obvious to see the difference of narrative style by comparing Northanger Abbey with the other five novels by Jane Austen.
奥斯丁的《诺桑觉寺》和她的其他五部小说相比较,在叙事策略上有着显著的不同。 cnki

Morland was successfully confirming her own opinions by the justness of her own representations, Catherine was silently reflecting that now Henry must have arrived at Northanger;
就在莫兰太太用公正的陈述成功地印证自己的见解时,凯瑟琳却在默默地思索着:亨利现在一定回到了诺桑觉寺; tingroom

Northanger Abbey turns out to be quite dull, having been fixed up by General Tilney.
诺桑觉寺竟然十分沉闷,被固定了一般蒂尔尼。 lwdx123.com

Northanger Abbey is the first mature novel written by Jane Austen.
《诺桑觉寺》是奥斯丁第一部成熟的小说。 iciba




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