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Norman Mailer ˌnɔːmənˈmeɪlər 短语⁷⁰²⁷⁷ 基本英英例句 诺曼·梅勒
Noun: United States writer born in 1923Even as an author,Norman Mailerconsidered himself a battler, a fighter.即使作为一名作家,他依然把自己看成是勇士。 Even as an author,Norman Mailerconsidered himself a battler ,a fighter.即使他是一名作家,诺曼米勒视自己为一名斗士,一名战士。 I'm so sorry, I can't believe I did this, but I couldn't stop laughing at yourNorman Mailerstory.真是抱歉没想到我会这样你的故事让我笑得嘴巴合不拢。 Norman Mailerbecame the articulate voice of the 1960s with writing such as his novel Why Are We In Vietnam?诺曼梅勒凭其作品如我们为什么在越南及其对1968年总统大选提名大会的见证的解释作品“迈阿密和芝加哥之围”等成了60年代最有力的声音。 Norman Mailerwas just 25 years old when he burst on the literary scene with his first novel, The Naked And The Dead.诺曼梅勒25岁时就凭着他的第一部小说《裸者与死者》登上了文学舞台。 On the other hand, the author of the short newspaper piece was none other than the renowned novelist and trustworthy journalistNorman Mailer.此外,这一小篇新闻稿的作者不是别人,正是著名的小说家与值得信赖的新闻工作者诺曼?梅勒。 |