释义 |
Normal maize 基本例句 普通玉米 The performance ofKl2X8-93, B73XS37, 873X8-93, K22XS37, MoI7X8-93, MoI7XS37, Dan34OXTie7922, Dan34OXPI38 and Dan34OXS37 were performed higher among 72 normal maize combinations.根据两年两点产量分析,72个温带普通玉米组合中,K12×8-93、B73×S37、B73×8-93、K22×S37、Mo17×8-93、Mo17×S37,丹340×7922、丹340×P138和丹340×S37为强优势组合。 Differences in Grain Quality Formation and Relative Enzyme Activity between High-Oil Maize and Normal Maize高油玉米与普通玉米品质形成及相关酶活性的差异 Analysis of Yield Combining Ability of Subtropical Tropical Quality Protein Maize Inbred Line and Temperate Normal Maize Inbred Line热带亚热带优质蛋白玉米自交系与温带普通玉米自交系产量配合力研究 |