

单词 normalizing
释义 normalizing 英'nɔrml,aɪz美'nɔrml,aɪz COCA⁴⁶³¹⁵BNC⁶⁵⁷⁷⁴
动词 normalize:
become normal or return to its normal statemake normal or cause to conform to a norm or standardbring to a desired consistency, texture, or hardness by a process of gradually heating and coolingnormal-izing⇒n.正常化³⁵;常化³²;正火动词normalize的现在分词形式.
用作名词The president said he had a road map fornormalizingrelations with Vietnam.总统说他有详细的方案使本国与越南关系正常化。
The postformer is used in the operation ofnormalizinga cable.Also it can be used for removing kinks in a cable.再成形装置用于正常化电缆绳的操作,并且它可以为去除电缆的纽结和弯曲。
Normalizing treatment and product thickness affect magnetic property little in this experiment.试验中,常化和产品厚度对产品磁性能的影响不明显。
The purpose ofnormalizingis usually to define grain structures that have been coarsened in forging.正火的目的是使在锻造中变粗的结晶颗粒细化。
The reason of the increase of the impact fatigue life atnormalizingand low temperature tempering was discussed.分析了多冲疲劳裂纹扩展的行为,讨论了正火低温回火提高冲击疲劳的原因。as in.standardizing
同义词 balancing,controlling,determining,directing,regularizing,regulating,shiftingdirective,regulative
standardizingadjective normative
balancing,controlling,determining,directing,directive,regularizing,regulating,regulative,shifting In other words, JBI's normalizing feature is a common format into which all BCs transform messages received from their respective service consumers or producers.
换句话说, JBI的规范化特性就是所有 BC将从各自的消息使用者或提供者接收到的消息转换成通用格式。 ibm

The deal is aimed at boosting commercial ties between the two rivals by normalizing trade arrangements.
协议旨在通过贸易正常化来增强彼此间的商业联系。 www.voa365.com

The usual methods of heat-treating ferrous metals metals with iron are annealing, normalizing, hardening, and tempering.
黑色金属含钢的金属通常的热处理方法为退火,正火,硬化以及回火。 yeeyan

To study and put forward regulations and rules for normalizing sector import and export behavior and conducting of classification management of enterprises and organize implementation accordingly.
研究提出规范企业进出口行为和对企业实施分类管理的规章制度并组织实施。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Normalizing the utilization of system resources by eliminating peaks and valleys associated with overloaded or underloaded systems.
通过消除与负载过高或过低的系统相关联的负载高峰和低谷,优化系统资源的利用率。 ibm

After the war, UN Security Council Resolution242 introduced the “ Land for Peace” formula for normalizing relations between Israel and its neighbors.
战争结束后,为了使以色列与周边国家实现关系正常化,联合国安理会242号决议提出了“和平土地”规则。 ebigear

Even a beast as iconoclastic as Brangelina, it seems, cannot resist the normalizing force of children.
即使是如小野兽般的与传统观念想冲的安吉丽娜,貌似都不能让孩子们乖乖就范。 yeeyan

For reasons that concern the implementation of floating point arithmetic, we decided to train our net with these twenty counts divided by a normalizing factor.
由于关注浮点运算的执行,我们打算用一种规格化因素将这20字符统计分开来,并以此培训我们的网络。 ibm

For criteria that have positive impact on the objective, application scores for a particular criterion are calculated by normalizing the values to1.
那些对客观性有正面影响的标准,一个特定标准的应用程序比分是通过将该值标准化为1进行计算的。 ibm

Mr. Singh told Mr. Li that India's new government would continue the process of normalizing, strengthening and expanding their relations with China.
他告诉李外长,印度新政府将继续推动两国关系正常化进程,加强和拓展对华关系。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

You can happily or unhappily, depending on your familiarity and comfort with SQL go through the process of working up schemas, normalizing data relations, setting up tables, and all the rest.
您可以顺利地或是不太顺利地,取决于您对 SQL的熟悉程度进行对模式、数据关系、表等等的处理。 ibm

Normalizing the flow of bank credit to good borrowers will continue to be a top priority for policymakers.
规范银行信贷流向优质借款人仍然是决策者的首要任务。 yeeyan

Normalizing your environment goes a long way to simplifying administration.
规范化环境对于简化管理大有帮助。 ibm




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