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词汇 noranda
释义 noranda
n.诺兰达在加拿大;西经 79º03' 北纬 48º16'
This paper introduced the improvement and situation of Noranda slag beneficiation in Daye Non ferrous Metals Company.本文介绍了大冶有色金属公司诺兰达炉渣选矿的现状及改进情况。
The Noranda continuous converting Process was commissioned in November 1997 at the Horne smelter in Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, Canada.诺兰达连续吹炼工艺于 1997年 11月在加拿大魁北克的霍恩冶炼厂试车投产。
The application of the power supply to the wet electrostatic precipitators respectively in a 230 kt/a sulphuric acid plant based on Noranda furnace off-gas and a 270 kt/a sulphuric acid plant based on converter off-gases are described.介绍两种电源在230kt/a诺兰达炉冶炼烟气和270kt/a转炉冶炼烟气制酸装置的电除雾器中的使用情况。
The characteristics of mineralogy and beneficiation ofnorandafurnace slag are discussed, and the experimental results and industrial experiences of handling the slag are summarized.讨论了高品位炼铜炉渣的工艺矿物学特性和选矿工艺特点;总结了炉渣选矿试验研究成果与生产实践经验;
Improvement and situation of Noranda slag beneficiation诺兰达炉渣选矿的现状及改进
Cleaner Production Practice of Daye Noranda Furnace Slag Dressing-works大冶诺兰达炉渣选矿厂清洁生产实践




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