

释义 NORAD 英ˈnɔ:ræd, ˈnɔ- COCA⁶⁹⁷⁶³
abbr.North American Aerospace Defense Command;北美防空联合司令部¹⁰⁰
There are several examples of vessels specifically refitted for this purpose, such as General Duke's Norad II and Norad III, as well as the battlecruiser Hyperion commanded by Jim Raynor.
例如杜克将军的诺拉德二、三号和吉姆·雷德指挥的亥伯龙神号都是经由战列巡洋舰特别改装的。 ipsecret

“ Keep in mind, Santa's route can be affected by weather, so it's really unpredictable,” a Norad spokesman said.
“需要注意的是,圣诞老人的路线会被天气所影响,所以提前预测实在是不太可能的,”一位北美防空司令部发言人说道。 yeeyan

Calls to NORAD headquarters in Colorado were not immediately returned.
打往北美防空司令部科罗拉多州总部的电话没有收到立即回应。 yeeyan

In this instance, the video is about NORAD tracking Santa Claus in the US Region.
本例中的视频是美国的 NORAD跟踪圣诞老人。 ibm

SAGE already has been fielded to some users in NORAD and USNORTHCOM directorates, including operations, logistics, intelligence and the surgeon general.
目前, SAGE系统已经装备于 NORAD和 USNORTHCOM的一些用户,包括作战、后勤、情报和一般军医。 www.etiri.com.cn

The guidebook was funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation Norad and developed in collaboration with the Dutch Centre for Promotion of Imports from developing countriesCBI.
本指南由挪威国际合作开发署资助,得到荷兰促进从发展中国家进口中心的协助。 pybelt

Why information about Flights77 and93 did not reach NORAD in a timely fashion is less clear.
为什么77号和93号航班的情报没有被及时地传到 NORAD的原因更不清楚。 iciba

NORAD brings together Defense Department and Canadian military assets to carry out air defense and maritime warning for North America.
NORAD负责为国防部和加拿大军队提供资金和设备,完成北美的空防和海上预警。 www.etiri.com.cn




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