

单词 nooks
释义 nooks nʊks COCA³⁵⁰⁷⁰BNC³⁸⁹⁶⁶Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
n.角落nook的名词复数;隐蔽处;每个角落;到处原型nook的复数 Members had become part of the system, allowing themselves to get comfortable in its nooks and crannies.
俄国知识分子已成为集权体系的一部分,全然融合其中。 ecocn

Paint your entryway or hallway a fun color, the same for the kitchen and small nooks.
用灵动的色彩来描画入口或门厅,厨房和小角落也一样。 yeeyan

Except, in this case the researchers are looking for vulnerable nooks and crannies in a blob of RNA and protein, rather than a thermal exhaust port.
只不过,在这个例子中研究者们所寻找的是 RNA和蛋白的隐蔽角落和裂缝而非热排气管。 yeeyan

I searched every nooks and crannies but didn't find my pen.
我找遍了每个角落都没找到我的笔。 tianya

I'll be full of nooks, crannies, valleys and fountains.
我将充满角落、裂缝、河谷和喷泉。 edu.sina.com.cn

Its advantage is that, besides grasping things tightly, it can also squeeze into nooks and crannies that are inaccessible to vertebrate arms of similar dimensions.
它的优点是,除了能抓紧物体,还可将触手挤进同样尺寸的脊椎肢体无法到达的角落和缝隙。 ecocn

I've spoken with a few people who live in the somewhat sheltered and watered nooks the desert provides here and about.
我与一些生活在有点隐蔽的地方的人交谈,那里到处是灌溉了的角落。 ngpod

No one could catch a rabbit here as there were so many nooks and crannies.
这里有这么多的角落和缝隙,没有人能抓到一只兔子。 blog.sina.com.cn

Still, shower heads are full of nooks and crannies, making them hard to clean, the researchers note, and the microbes come back even after treatment with bleach.
然而,研究人员注意到淋浴喷头充分隐蔽和有裂隙,使它们清洁困难,甚至用漂白剂处理之后微生物依然存在。 ebigear

The phones do a little dance, allowing the dust and cotton particles to work their way into the nooks and crannies of the phones.
这种手机做一些舞蹈,让灰尘和棉花颗粒工作到角落和缝隙的手机的道路。 bugutang

The room seemed to be all nooks and corners.
这个房间好像尽是角落似的。 www.englishok.com.cn

There is baby grand piano on one side of the room and a pair of Barcelona chairs in the nooks, one of which is shown.
一侧有一个儿童三角钢琴,角落里有一对巴塞罗那椅,图上能看见一个。 yeeyan

These are the nooks and crannies where the players in the new shadow financial system will be getting rich.
而这些分歧、矛盾和差异将会成为新影子金融体系中成员的致富之门。 www.cei.gov.cn

These visceral, vacillating lanes, nooks and crannies were his ethical nursery.
这些见不得光的羊肠小道、角落和缝隙是苏格拉底蕴育他的道德学说的温床。 yeeyan

They might have been a secret society, meeting at odd hours in hidden nooks around the lake.
他们也许是一个秘密团体,偶尔在湖边的隐蔽处会面。 ecocn

Wilt welcome me? My River waits reply— Oh sea— look graciously— I'll fetch thee Brooks From spotted nooks— Say— Sea— Take me!
会否欢迎我?我的河儿待回响—大海啊—样子亲切慈祥—我将给你请来小溪从弄污的角落里—说呀—海—接纳我! zgjsw




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