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词汇 ASD
释义 ASDCOCA¹⁵⁵⁸³¹BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
abbr.空中情况指示器=Air Situation Displayabbr.航空系统部=Air System Divisionabbr.蒽闪烁剂量计=Anthracene Scintillation Dosimeterabbr.自动同步鉴别器=Automatic Sychronized Discriminator
One thing we have learned in the past decade is that there won't be one cause for the increase, but rather multiple causes that contribute to different forms of ASD.
在过去十年中我们已经知道,不存在单一的这种原因,而是多个原因导致了不同形式的 ASD。 yeeyan

The children with ASD were less likely to yawn contagiously than their typically developing peers, the researchers found.
研究人员发现:患有自闭症的孩子与他们的同龄人相比不太可能受打哈欠传染。 yeeyan

To quote the authors of the2009 CDC paper, “ although improved ascertainment accounts for some of the increase, a true increase in the risk for ASD cannot be ruled out.”
引用2009年 CDC报道的作者的话说,“虽然改进了的探查能够说明这种增长的某些原因,但是 ASD风险真正的增长原因仍不能排除。” yeeyan

Autistic spectrum disorder ASD is a lifelong condition caused by abnormalities in the development of the brain that affects around half a million people in the UK.
泛自闭症障碍 ASD是大脑发育异常造成的一种终生的症状,这种症状大约影响着英国50万人的生活。 yeeyan

But, for the many individuals with ASD and their families who continue to struggle and suffer each day, progress isn't nearly fast or significant enough.
但是,对于每天都在继续挣扎和遭遇苦难的许多孤独症患者及其家庭来说,这些进展仍然速度不够快,意义不够重大。 yeeyan

By that age, children with ASD were nearly twice as likely to be choosier about their food than unaffected children, according to their parents' reports.
按照父母们的表述,在这时候,带有自闭症谱系障碍的孩子比那些正常孩子大约双倍的可能更加挑剔他们的食物。 yeeyan

Did you notice the statistics above indicate that close to 60% of children with ASD have IQs above70 by age8?
你们是否注意到,上述统计数字表明,将近60%的 ASD患儿在8岁之前智商高于70? yeeyan

However, the CDC investigators found that there was no change over the four year period in the proportion of children with the broader ASD diagnosisi.e. PDDNOS versus classic autism.
可是 DCD的调查人员发现,在过去四年中,典型的孤独症与宽泛的 ASD诊断即 PDDNOS二者的比例没有任何改变。 yeeyan

If you have even the slightest suspicion that your child may have an ASD, share your concerns with your pediatrician right away.
一旦怀疑自己的孩子哪怕有轻微的 ASD疑似症状,身为父母的也应立即向儿科大夫反应。 yeeyan

In the past, many children with an ASD may have been labelled as “ slow” or“ shy”.
在过去,许多有 ASD的孩子们也许被贴上了“动作迟缓”或者“害羞”的标签。 yeeyan

In the latest studies researchers scanned the human genome for small differences between people who have an ASD, and those who do not.
在最近的一些研究中,研究人员对孤独症谱系的患者和非患者的基因组进行了扫描,以发现两者之间的差异。 yeeyan

Increased ASD awareness and access to diagnostic services surely account for a significant proportion of the increase, and this is indeed a sign of progress.
当然,这种激增的重要原因是对 ASD的了解的增加以及得到诊断服务的增加,因而是真正的进展的迹象。 yeeyan

It was previously thought that children with ASD who develop language do so by the age of5.
原先人们以为,能够发展语言的 ASD患儿是在5岁之前就发展的。 yeeyan

More than two-thirds of the ASD cases in the study were found in the mainstream school population, unrecognized and untreated.
在该调查中,多于三分之二的自闭症案例发现于主流的学校人口中,尚未得到鉴定,也未被治疗。 yeeyan

Nationally, one out of every150 children is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder ASD.
在全国范围内,每150名儿童中就有一名被诊断患有自闭症谱群疾病 ASD。 yeeyan

Nick, diagnosed with ASD, is the inspiration for MacNeil's six-part series.
这个自闭症节目的灵感正是诊断为 ASD症的尼克。 yeeyan

One reasonable explanation for the increase seen over this four year period is that ASD is now being diagnosed at an earlier age.
对4年间见到的这种增长的一种合理的解释是,现在 ASD得到诊断的年龄更小了。 yeeyan

Recent research reveals that part of the increase in reported ASD prevalence appears attributable to factors such as increased public awareness and broadening of diagnostic criteria.
进来的研究揭示了报道的自闭症患病率的增长表面上可归因于这些因素,比如增长的公众意识及诊断标准的拓宽。 yeeyan

So,2010 holds promise for an increased commitment by the federal government, but the fulfillment of that promise depends on the ASD community having one strong voice.
因此2010年有希望得到联邦政府更多的承诺,但是,要实现那个期望取决于 ASD公众拥有同一个强有力的声音。 yeeyan

Some of these funds were designed to address the gaps in our knowledge identified by the federal government's first strategic plan for ASD research, also published in 2009.
其中一些资金投入计划用于解决联邦政府2009年公布的 ASD研究第一份战略计划所识别出来的我们在知识方面的一些不足之处。 yeeyan

Some types of ASD will be largely genetically determined, but we know that many forms of ASD will involve environmental risk factors.
某些类型的孤独症在很大程度上决定于遗传方面的原因,但是我们知道,许多形式的 ASD会涉及一些环境风险因素。 yeeyan

This study may provide guidance for approaches to working with children with ASD so that they focus more on such cues.
这项研究可能为研究患自闭症的孩子人员提供指导,以便他们将更多的注意力放在这样的暗示。 yeeyan

This year, my colleagues and I4 reported the results of the first randomized controlled trial of an intensive behavioral intervention for toddlers with ASD.
这一年,我和我的同事报道了对 ASD幼儿进行强化行为干预的第一个随机对照试验的结果。 yeeyan

Today, scientists are exploring ways to identify ASD in the first year of life, before the full syndrome of ASD is present.
今天,科学家们正在探索婴儿出生的第一年,在 ASD的全面症状尚未呈现之前识别它的方法。 yeeyan

ASD includes a range of developmental disorders such as autism, Asperger's Syndrome and other pervasive developmental disorders.
自闭症、亚斯伯格综合征和其他泛发展性障碍是一种发展性障碍症,是 ASD广义自闭症的一种。 yeeyan




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