

单词 non-trade
释义 non-trade 英'nɒntr'eɪd美'nɒntr'eɪd COCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
A variety of non-trade issues became part of the talks: the state of Mexico's environment, its labour standards, its intellectual property law and the state of its democracy.
同时,各种非贸易问题也摆上了谈判桌,包括墨西哥的环境状况、劳工标准、知识产权法,及其民主情况。 finance.sina.com.cn

The main opportunities: From the tariff wall, non-trade wall to TBT, we can strengthen ourselves;
机遇主要有:由关税壁垒、非贸易壁垒转到技术壁垒,对我国是一个强化的机遇; cnki

Cause- effect test of tax reimbursement for export and trade surplus shows that tax reimbursement for export will result in non-trade capital inflow.
从出口退税与贸易顺差的因果关系检验出发,我们可以得出出口退税可能引发非贸易资金流入的结论。 dictall

Official figures show that China moved into deficit on visible trade last year, but the gap was more than covered by non-trade receipts.
官方的统计数字显示,中国去年的有形贸易出现了赤字,但非贸易收入足以弥补这些赤字并有所盈余。 en84

Second, this paper investigated trade effects and non-trade effects of AD, using the paper industry as an example.
其次,本文以纸制品行业为例分别考察产业的反倾销贸易效应和非贸易效应的具体情况。 fabiao

Such a review and clarification will need to ensure that the basic concepts, principles and effectiveness of the Green Box remain and take due account of non-trade concerns.
此种审议和澄清需要保证“绿箱”的基本概念、原则和效力保持不变,并适当考虑非贸易关注。 fabiao

We should develop international tourism and increase foreign exchange earnings through non-trade channels.




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