

单词 ascertain
释义 as·cer·tain 英ˌæsəˈteɪn美ˌæsɚˈtenAHDăs'ər-tānʹ ★☆☆☆☆高六研IMST6八COCA¹³⁷⁶⁷BNC¹⁰²²⁴iWeb¹⁰²⁶²Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

vt. 弄清,查明

discover, to make certain

establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study;

find the product of two numbers

The physicist who found the elusive particle won the Nobel Prize

be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something;

He verified that the valves were closed

See that the curtains are closed

control the quality of the product

find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort;

I want to see whether she speaks French

See whether it works

find out if he speaks Russian

Check whether the train leaves on time

learn or discover with certainty
ascertain, determine, discover, learn, unearth


discover指经过调查、探索去发现已经存在或可能存在、事实上的东西,这种发现也可能出于偶然; ascertain很少指偶然的发现,侧重先前的无知与无把握,以及认真地去发现真理或真相; determine比ascertain更强调寻找事实或真理,以解决争端或争执,主要用于科学和法律方面; unearth指将隐藏的、被遗忘的、失去的或极其难以追寻的东西公之于众或暴露于世,常常强调发现以前所做的认真长期的调查; learn指获得知识,发现者一般没有或很少花多大力气。例如:

The surgeon general has determined that cigarette smoking is dangerous to our health.卫生局长已确定吸烟危害健康。
The question is to ascertain what the people really want.问题在于一定要弄清人们究竟需要什么。
We discovered the powder consisting of harmful ingredients.我们发现这种粉末含有害成分。
Projecting ourselves into the future world, we should learn as much as we can now.设想一下处身于未来的世界当中,我们现在就应该尽可能多学一点东西。
They have unearthed the secret.他们已经发现了这个秘密。discover,find,detect,ascertain






词根词缀: as-加强意义 + -cert-确信 + -ain形容词词尾转化为动词
用作动词 v.
~+副词ascertain accurately准确地查明ascertain dimly不是很确定ascertain distinctly清楚地查明ascertain instantaneously即刻弄清ascertain unhesitatingly毫不迟疑地确定ascertain vaguely没弄清楚~+介词ascertain from从…查明
非常记忆a苹果〖编码〗+s美女〖编码〗+certain确定〖熟词〗⇒吃苹果的美女确定已查明此事as=ad,趋近,变得+certain确定的→使变得确定的⇒确定,查明。词根记忆as+cert确定+ain→弄清,查明;确定词根记忆as加强+certain确定→一再区别→确定as+certain确信⇒确定近义词 out出up向上see看见find发现learn学会solve解决check检查watch注视answer回答ensure担保insure保险detect发觉clear清楚的control掌控discover发现find out发现appraise评价clear up打扫assure使确信determine决定make certain弄清楚
S+~+ n./pron.I'm going to ascertain the truth.我要查明真相。
The detective tried to ascertain the facts about the robbery.侦探试图查明这起抢劫案的真相。
I am going to ascertain the truth of his statement.我将弄清他的话是否真实。
The insurance adjustor had to ascertain the exact value of the missing jewels.这个保险金估算人必须核实这些丢失的珠宝的价值。
The power needs of the ship must be ascertained.这艘船所需的动力必须弄清。
The previously unidentified objects have now been definitely ascertained as being satellites.原来所说的不明飞行物现在已证实是卫星。S+~+that-clauseI ascertained that he was dead.我确定他死了。
He ascertained that the news was true.他确定消息属实。
He had ascertained that his son-in-law was among the living prisoners.他已查明他女婿曾在活着的囚犯之中。S+~+wh-clauseI want to ascertain what time the train arrives, so that I may get to the station in time to meet my friend.我查清火车到达的时间,以便我准时到火车站去接我的朋友。
It is difficult to ascertain what the people really want.问题在于一定要弄清人们究竟需要什么。
Can you ascertain who the owner is?你能查明物主是谁吗?
We could not ascertain how it happened.我们没能弄清它是怎样发生的。Punascertained未确定的未确知的Pascertainablea.可查明的可弄清的Pascertainmentn.弄清发现确定查明Punascertainable无法确知的不能确定的



ascertain是及物动词,接truth, fact等名词或名词从句作宾语,可用于被动结构。

用作及物动词Iascertainthat he was murdered.我确定他是被谋杀的。
Iascertainedthe disease to be diphtheria.我确定该病为白喉。
The detective was trying toascertainexactly who was at the party.这个侦探试图查明都有谁参加了聚会。
I'm going toascertainthe truth.我要查明真相。
It's difficult toascertainthe coal deposits.煤储量很难探明。
My purpose is toascertainwhether you are interested or not.我的目的是要弄清你是否感兴趣。verb.make sure
同义词 confirm,determine,divine,double-check,find out,verifycheck,dig,discover,establish,eye,eyeball,fix,identify,learn,peg,read,see,settle,size,tellcatch on,check out,check up on,get down cold,get down pat,get hold of,get it down,get the hang of,learn the ropes,make certain,make sure,pick up,pick up on,size up
反义词 disprove,invalidate,aid,assist,confuse,destroy,help,ignore,look away,miss,misunderstand,neglect,overlook,unsettle
assumeverb believe, take for granted
accept,be afraid,be inclined to think,conclude,conjecture,consider,count upon,deduce,deem,divine,estimate,expect,fall for,fancy,find,gather,get the idea,guess,have a hunch,have sneaking suspicion,hypothesize,imagine,infer,judge,posit,postulate,predicate,presume,presuppose,speculate,suppose,surmise,suspect,theorize,think,understand
assumesverb believe, take for granted
accepts,ascertains,concludes,conjectures,considers,counts upon,deduces,deems,divines,estimates,expects,falls for,fancies,finds,gathers,gets the idea,guesses,has a hunch,have sneaks suspicion,hypothesizes,imagines,infers,is afraid,is inclined to thinks,judges,posits,postulates,predicates,presumes,presupposes,speculates,supposes,surmises,suspects,theorizes,thinks,understands
certifyverb declare as true
checkverb inspect, examine
analyze,ascertain,audit,balance account,candle,case,compare,confirm,correct,count,enquire about,eyeball,find out,frisk,go through,investigate,keep account,look at,look over,make sure,monitor,note,overlook,probe,prove,quiz,review,scout out,scrutinize,study,take stock,tell,test,try,verify
defineverb give description
ascertain,assign,call a spade a spade,characterize,construe,decide,delineate,denominate,denote,describe,designate,detail,determine,dub,elucidate,entitle,etch,exemplify,explain,expound,formalize,illustrate,interpret,label,lay it out,nail it down,name,prescribe,represent,specify,spell out,tag,translate
definesverb give description
belts,binds,borders,circumscribes,compasses,confines,curbs,delineates,demarcates,distinguishes,edges,encircles,encloses,encompasses,envelops,establishes,fence in,fixes,flanks,girdles,girds,limits,marks,marks out,rims,sets,sets bounds to,settles,stakes out,surrounds,verges,wall in But it must also be democratic, based on an independent auditing of debt to ascertain how much might be illegitimate.
同时它又必须是民主的,在对债务进行独立审计的基础上,确定其中哪些是不合规则的。 yeeyan

But with few trustworthy observers in the country—and the level of aid it gets from China hard to ascertain— damage may be done nonetheless.
不过,由于该国观察员所说的话大多不可信——很难弄清它到底从中国获得了多少援助——无论如何,损失都将不可避免。 ecocn

By determining the deltas between the current and future states, it is possible to ascertain the changes required to migrate between the states, as shown in Figure5.
通过决定当前状态和未来状态之间的交集,确定转变状态所需要做的变更就是可能的了,如图5所示。 ibm

For this reason, researchers in China need to carefully ascertain whether a subject is commenting on the local picture and precisely how local it is.
为此,在中国研究人员需要仔细确定一个主题是否是关于地方的,地方指的是多大的范围。 yeeyan

In addition to polling and inquiring of data, it is important to ascertain the normal traffic patterns of applications over time.
除了轮询和查询数据,需要确定应用程序在一段时间内的正常的流量模式。 ibm

It is hard to predict when production may resume until we can ascertain which auto parts makers have been hit and to what extent.
在我们可以确定哪些汽车零部件工厂遭受了损失、以及遭受了多大损失之前,很难预测何时生产才会继续。 fortunechina

It was impossible to ascertain whether the North Koreans had been coached on what to say or how to say it.
不可能确定这些朝鲜人是否是被预先告知应该说些什么或怎样说。 yeeyan

It's difficult to ascertain the coal deposits.

Statistics also help the optimizer ascertain how many rows exist in tables being queried and predict how many rows will qualify for given conditions.
统计信息还可帮助优化器确定表中有多少行正被查询,以及预测有多少行符合给定的条件。 ibm

The police and CPS objective is to ascertain whether any criminal activity has been left unchecked.
警方和 CPS的目的是确定是否所有的犯罪活动都已经检查核对过了。 yeeyan

The data types in the ownership context and contents also help to ascertain blame to a particular high level component in the whole memory leaking application.
所属权上下文中的数据类型和内容还有助于确定整个泄漏应用程序中某个特定高级别组件的不足。 ibm

These certificates are used to ascertain the trustworthiness of the client system.
这些证书用于确定客户端系统是否可以信任。 ibm

This means they are traceable through the system, and at any given time we can ascertain where a bike is or which docking point it was most recently removed from.
“这种通过系统追踪的方法,在任何一个时间里我们都能查明某一辆自行车的位置及距离它最近的取走该辆自行车的停泊站”。 yeeyan

To ascertain this, the net traverses the row in the weight array that contains all of the weights between N and the other nodes.
要确定这一设置,网络会去遍历权重数组中包含 N与其他节点间所有权重的的行。 ibm

Traditionally, job interviews are used to ascertain two things: how competent the candidate is and how well his personality or lack thereof will fit in with the organization.
按照老路子,面试就确定俩事儿:一个是这个人能不能胜任工作,二是这个人不能太各色,要能融入组织。 yeeyan

We want to see final figures of boys and girls and the relations to ascertain what sort of group we have here.
我们要看看男孩和女孩完整的样子以及他门之间的关系,从而确定他们究竟属于哪个群体。 yeeyan

You also need to ascertain why they need your product; for what specific purpose, under what circumstances, and why would they choose yours?
你还需要弄清为什么他们需要你的产品;为了什么特殊的目的,在什么情况下,还有为什么他们会选择你的产品? yeeyan

You can also map these changes to the various baselines that have been collected in the past to ascertain how to interpret differences in these baselines.
您还可以将这些更改映射到过去收集的各种基准,以确定如何采用这些基准来解释相关的差异。 ibm

You need to somehow measure key metrics across the distributed process to ascertain status.
您需要以某种方式跨分布的过程测量关键的量度,从而确定状态。 ibm

You test and measure your code to ascertain and quantify its quality, but the code itself has already been written.
您通过测试和度量代码来确定和量化代码的质量,但是代码本身都已经写好了。 ibm




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