

单词 ascensions
释义 ascensions əˈsenʃn̩z COCA²³⁷³²³BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
n.上升;耶稣升天原型ascension的复数 Earth estimates that about half of all adult human ascensions shall rest at1800 allowing future generations to take the ascent to the next level.
地球估计成人提升中,将约有一半人会停留在1800股而令后代继续提升到下一水平。 blog.sina.com.cn

However these humans did not generate light from within; they took light from other humans or creations to create their ascensions.
但是这些人类没有从内在生成光,他们从其他人类或其它造物那里拿走光来创造自己的提升。 tisheng.org

Instead the Great Central Sun shall allow such effects to be made manifest so that such stars shall never displace their karma again in their future ascensions.
相反,大中枢太阳将允许这样的结果显示,使这些恒星将永不再未来的提升中再次转移它们自身的业力。 maidee

Long ago, Riza brought through27 signatures associated with incomplete ascensions and related to electrical thought- form. One may open the pdf file “Ownership Signatures” to view these signatures.
很久之前, Riza带来了27个关联于不完全提升且与电性思想形态有关的印记。 blog.sina.com.cn

Ownership signatures originated in the incomplete ascensions of the false gods or ascended masters.
占有契约起源于虚假神和提升大师的不完全提升。 blog.sina.com.cn

Since1951, the dead and injured number of our country road traffic injury turns over some kind of speed ascensions by every10 years.
自1951年以来,我国道路交通伤害的伤亡人数以每10年翻一番的速度上升。 cnki

Such cause of warfare involved hundreds of thousands of incomplete ascensions in human form.
这些战争的致因包括了成百上千的人类形体的不完全提升。 tisheng

The Tao is redirecting light workers and those focused upon your personal ascensions in a new direction that is vastly important at this time.
道正在以一个对此时非常重要的全新方向,来重新引领光工作者以及那些聚焦在个人提升上的人们。 blog.sina.com.cn

The unity within will lead to greater times of fulfillment ahead for each that so chooses to master their ascensions in this lifetime.
内在的统一将为每一个选择在此生中掌握提升的人们引领前方更大的实现时代。 tisheng

This is how consciousness shall be restored unto the human kingdom and through those creating complete ascensions in adult form.
这就是意识将怎样通过那些以成人身躯创造了完全提升的人们而恢复到人类物种的过程。 lingyuan.net

We invite you to consider attending our International Ascensions Conference where the continued ascension of earth is both celebrated and also assisted in its goal.
我们邀请你来考虑参加我们的国际提升大会,在那里我们将会对地球的继续提升既给予庆祝,同时也给予支持。 lingyuan




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