

单词 ascends
释义 as·cend·s 英ə'send美ə'send COCA⁴¹¹⁶⁸BNC⁴⁰⁷⁷⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
vt. & vi. 上升,攀登

climb; go, come, or move from a lower to a higher level

travel up,

We ascended the mountain

go up a ladder

The mountaineers slowly ascended the steep slope

go back in order of genealogical succession;

Inheritance may not ascend linearly

become king or queen;

She ascended to the throne after the King's death

appear to be moving upward, as by means of tendrils;

the vine climbed up the side of the house

go along towards a river's source;

The boat ascended the Delaware

slope upwards;

The path ascended to the top of the hill

come up, of celestial bodies;

The sun also rises

The sun uprising sees the dusk night fled…

Jupiter ascends

move to a better position in life or to a better job;
ascend, climb, mount


climb指费力地攀登或上升; ascend是正式用语,多用于指登至极高的地方; mount指向上登的过程,尤指上马等一次跳跃的动作。例如:

It took me almost three hours to climb the steep hill.我花了几乎三个小时才爬上这座陡峭的山。
He ascended the stairs.他登上了楼梯。
The soldiers stood beside their horses, waiting for the order to mount.士兵们站立在马的旁边,等待上马的命令。
He mounted his horse away.他骑上他的马走了。ascend,climb,mount





用作动词 v.
~+名词ascend the stairs上楼ascend the throne登上王位~+副词ascend quickly升得很快ascend slowly冉冉升起~+介词ascend from从…升起ascend into升入…ascend to登上
近义词 riseclimbmount反义词 descendgo down
S+~+AThe balloon ascended quickly.气球上升得很快。
S+~+ n./pron.The climbers slowly ascended the mountain.爬山运动员慢慢地登上了这座山。
Victoria ascended the throne in 1837.维多利亚在1837年登上王位。


用作动词The stairs in the hotelascendin a graceful curve.这个旅店的楼梯以优美的曲线上升。
It is easier to descend than toascend.下降容易上升难。
A small party is planning toascendMount Everest.一小伙人正计划攀登珠穆朗玛峰。
Setting foot on the island, he began toascendthe trail.他踏上荒岛,开始顺着小径往上攀登。 As a result, an exponential shift upwards in understanding becomes possible as each kingdom ascends into holographic understanding in the half- century ahead.
因此,在未来的半个世纪当中,领会力的指数级上升会成为可能,让每个王国都能提升进全息的领会之中。 tisheng.org

As one ascends on their journey to Godhood, the body contains less and less matter and more and more energy light and requires less matter type food.
在他们的旅途,以神性上升,体内含有的问题越来越少,越来越多的能量光,需要较少的问题类型食品。 blog.sina.com.cn

The mortality curve ascends gradually to a plateau at age 65.
死亡曲线逐渐上升,到65岁时成平稳状态。 cri

The penguin ascends the water column gradually, spending a lot of time at intermediate depths green colours.
企鹅是在水中逐渐上升的在中间深度的地方花费了大量的时间绿色的部分。 yeeyan

The person, who know to go around in circles, round a way but go, is usually the first person who ascends mountain peak.
懂得兜圈子,绕道而行的人,往往是第一个登上山峰的人。 cmfei

The warm expanded air is lighter than the cold air, and always ascends in the atmosphere.
加热而膨胀了的空气因为体积增大,比重会比冷空气小,所以热空气总是会在大气中上升。 yeeyan

As Earth ascends, in time, no one will eat another.
随着地球的上升,在时间,没有人会吃另一个。 blog.sina.com.cn

For every judgement and movement and desire and aversion is within, and no evil ascends so high.
因为每一判断、活动、欲望和厌恶都是发生在内心,而任何恶都不能上升得如此高。 blog.sina.com.cn

From the western gate aforesaid the highway, as every Wintoncestrian knows, ascends a long and regular incline of the exact length of a measured mile, leaving the houses gradually behind.
从前面提到的西大门开始,所有的温顿塞斯特人都熟悉的那条大道,向上延伸到一个长达一英里的长方形斜坡,渐渐地把那些房屋抛在后面。 ebigear

In the hot zone near the equator the sun heats the air continually; hence the air there ascends.
在靠近赤道的热带地区,太阳不断地加热那里的空气,于是那里的热空气就上升。 yeeyan

It is the foundation for a peaceful and joyful existence that will be there for every soul that ascends.
这是让“和平”与“喜悦”存在的奠基石,并且会一直在那里给每个灵魂的提升受用。 humanreborn

Modern quality management is not only as a kind of management function inside of enterprises, but also ascends up to strategic aspect.
现代质量管理不仅作为组织内部的一种管理职能,而且已经上升到经营战略层次。 cnki

Mother Earth will still take them along when she ascends.
地球母亲当她扬升时依然带着他们向前。 awaker

Stark against blue-white ice, a mountaineer ascends a ladder on Mount Everest's upper Khumbu glacier.
荒凉的蓝白色的冰上,一个登山者在珠穆朗玛峰上的昆布冰川上顺着梯子向上爬。 yeeyan

Thailand needs open debate if it is to prepare for the time when a less revered monarch ascends the throne.
哪怕是为了给一个不那么专制的王朝上台做些铺垫,泰国也需要开展公开的辩论。 ecocn

The main spiral staircase depicts a rhythmic ribbon that ascends to attic space.
主旋转楼梯像一条螺旋上升的缎带将空间引向顶楼。 yeeyan

This is the sensation when one ascends the mystic climbs of the central mountain regions.
如此的感受,在攀登中部山区的时候尤为强烈。 yeeyan




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