

单词 nonconformists
释义 nonconformists ˌnɔnkənˈfɔ:mɪsts COCA⁹¹⁵⁰²BNC²⁰⁰³⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.不信奉英国国教的新教教徒nonconformist的名词复数;不墨守成规者原型nonconformist的复数 Loosely speaking, the Whigs were those who opposed absolute monarchy and supported the right to religious to freedom for Nonconformists.
辉格党是指那些反对绝对王权的,支持宗教自由的异教徒。 youling599.com

The Act of Toleration, while leaving Catholics and Nonconformists subject to various disabilities, put an end to actual persecution.
“信教自由令”虽然让旧教徒和非国教会派仍旧要受种种资格限制,却结束了实际的迫害。 blog.sina.com.cn

The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists who are dedicated to justice, peace and brotherhood.
一个安全的、宜居的世界的希望在于那些有纪律的不墨守成规的人,而那些人致力于正义、和平和四海兄弟情。 blog.sina.com.cn

Garland says she'd love to study which aspects of a song are important for helping males mate and whether nonconformists are less successful at mating.
加兰说她宁愿研究歌曲的哪一方面有助于雄性鲸鱼找到配偶以及配对时是否有特殊情况等。 yeeyan

Nonconformists retained a deep distrust of their Anglican neighbours.
非英国国教者一直不信任圣公会的人。 iciba




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