

单词 nominates
释义 nom·i·nate·s 英'nɒmɪneɪt美'nɑːmɪneɪt COCA⁷⁰⁰³⁴BNC⁶⁵⁷⁵⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
vt. 提名…为候选人;任命

put forward for election to a position;appoint to office

propose as a candidate for some honorput forward; nominate for appointment to an office or for an honor or position;

The President nominated her as head of the Civil Rights Commission

charge with a function; charge to be;

She was named Head of the Committee

She was made president of the club

create and charge with a task or function;

nominate a committee

nominate, appoint, designate, elect, name


designate指当权的人或机构的选拔和任命,口气非常正式,有时到了生硬的程度; name则指不侧重选择,强调宣布,语气不那么正式,常用于政治机构或政府办公室人员的提名; nominate从词源学看,与name等同,但意思不同,指提出人选,供决策人取舍; elect指从候选人中作出最后的选择; appoint指不经选举的任命,任命人在法律上有这样的权力,这种选举本身可能是专断的,也可能是明智的。








用作动词 v.
~+名词nominate the young man推荐那个年轻小伙子~+副词nominate cautiously慎重地提名nominate habitually惯常地提名nominate modestly谦虚地提名
近义词 for为pick拾make做name名称put up放elect选举place地方offer提供select选择choose选择assign分配ordain任命propose打算appoint任命suggest建议instate任命install安装submit使服从induct使就职delegate代表election选举designate指定recommend推荐commission佣金denominate命名constitute构成put forward提出inaugurate举行就职典礼…反义词 innominate无名的
S+ ~+n./pron.I nominate John.我推荐约翰。
S+~+ n./pron. +as n.I nominate Bill as the club president.我提名比尔为俱乐部主席候选人。
The President nominated me his representative at the meeting.总统任命我为他的代表出席会议。S+~+ n./pron. +to- vI nominate Tom to make the tea.我指派汤姆去沏茶。

nominate是及物动词,可接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式或“as n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。

用作及物动词InominateBill for the club president.我提名比尔为俱乐部主席候选人。
Only students maynominatesomeone for the award.只有学生才可以提名一些教师去拿这个奖项。
The boardnominatedhim as the new director.董事会指定他为新董事。 It does not involve health departments in policy- making, keeping that role for itself and the government departments it nominates.
烟草专卖局及其指定的政府部门负责制定政策,卫生部门不参与。 who

The user nominates objects that are to be shared between JVMs and Terracotta transparently makes them accessible to all.
用户透明地指定 JVM和 Terracotta之间共享的对象,使它们都能获取这些对象。 infoq

This is where a committee nominates candidates to the state governor for appointment.
委员会是在这里向州政府提名候选人以备委任的。 yeeyan

From Algeria to Zambia, Lonely Planet nominates the most exciting destinations to explore in 2009.
从阿尔及利亚到赞比亚,我们向您推荐2009年最让人向往的旅行目的地。 qdtranslation

If the buyer nominates a person other than a carrier to receive the goods, the seller is deemed to have fulfilled his obligation to deliver the goods when they are delivered to that person.
若买方指定承运人以外的人领取货物,则当卖方将货物交给此人时,即视为已履行了交货义务。 flguwen.com

If you company nominates more than one individual to participate in this IBP, please identify their names and titles.
如果贵公司提名一位一上人员参加此次 IBP,请列出其姓名其职位。 swj.daqing.gov.cn

Technology scholar Douglas Rushkoff nominates the concept that technologies have an“ embedded bias” rather than being blank slates from which any outcome can arise.
来自技术专家道格拉斯·洛西科夫的提名是:技术存在一种“固有的偏见”,而不是一张可以留下任何痕迹的白纸。 yeeyan

The 1st Chinese Document of Fine Arts Nominates Exhibition Hubei Art Museum;
第一届《美术文献》提名展湖北美术馆; artron

The CPC is headed by the President, who also nominates the other committee members.
中央人民委员会由主席领导,主席可以任命其他的委员会成员。 ebigear

The President of Ukraine, elected by popular vote, nominates the Prime Minister, who must be confirmed by the450- seat parliament, the Verkhovna Rada.
总统由民选产生,总统所任命的总理必须要得到450席位的国家议会赞成才能上任。 ebigear

The president nominates the prime minister, who proposes the other ministers formally named by the president. The Council of Ministers must retain the support of both houses.
由总统来提名总理,而由总理来提名选举其他部长由总统正式提名,该内阁必须得到两院的支持。 ebigear

These candidates are considered by the Executive Board EB, which nominates one person by secret ballot.
这些候选人由执行委员会进行审议,它通过无记名投票提名一名人选。 who

These ways can be a Council by election: where the whole congregation nominates the members they think can fulfil the threefold mission of the council.
这些方式可以是经由选举:整体会众提名他们认为可以履行上述三重使命的议员。 chinesechaplaincyparra.org

Whoever the Democratic nominates for president this year, he will have this record to run upon.
今年无论谁成为民主党总统候选人提名都将发扬光大之。 dioenglish




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