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词汇 nomads
释义 nomads
Practical obstacles aside, a larger question looms: Do the nomads have to stop being who they are in order to survive?
先撇开这道障碍不谈,另个更大的问题浮出水面:难道游牧部落为了生存,就必须放弃他们的身份标识吗? yeeyan

The authorities have been heavily criticised for forcibly settling nomads. But this state investment is helping some to increase their incomes without having to abandon their heritage.
专家曾严厉批评强行安置游牧民的行为,该国家投资的公司却在一定程度上增加了牧民收入,并且无需他们离开故乡。 yeeyan

The patriarchs, it's maintained, were semi- nomads. They lived in tents.

The vast majority of Romanies have long since stopped being nomads.
大部分的罗姆人早已脱离游牧的生活。 ecocn

The nomads are taking their camels to graze in areas where they’ve never been able to graze before.
游牧民族已经开始把骆驼牵到以前根本没法放牧的地方放牧了。 yeeyan

The nomads taught the trick to Russians and Europeans migrating into the area.
游牧民将这些技巧传授给迁徙来的俄罗斯人和欧洲人。 yeeyan

A picturesque land of nomads, it was forced through a period of industrialization by the Soviets that left them the inherited infrastructure they still depend on today.
作为一片风景如画的游牧土地,吉尔吉斯斯坦曾被苏联强行工业化,留下他们至今仍在使用的基础建设。 yeeyan

Among nomads, exile loses its charge because there is no place from which one can be expelled, no powerful notion of home.
在流浪者身上,流浪不再有力量,因为他们不会被任何一个地方排斥,也没有一个强烈的家的概念。 yeeyan

Ancient nomads went from place to place—and they had to take a lot of stuff with them including their livelihoods and families.
古代的游牧者从此处走向彼处——他们必须随身携带许多物品包括他们的生计和家室。 ecocn

Architects, property developers and urban planners are changing their thinking about buildings and cities to accommodate the new habits of the nomads that dwell in them.
建筑师、房地产开发商和城市规划者正在改变建筑和城市规划的思路,使之更适合于都市游牧民生活的居住习惯。 yeeyan

But“ they'd forgotten everything they knew about being nomads, how to raise livestock, how to survive these tough winters,” he said.
但正如巴博尔说的那样,“他们已经完全忘记了游牧民的生活方式,他们不会喂养牲口,也没能挺过严冬。” yeeyan

China's ambitious engineering extends back at least to the start in the5th century of the Great Wall, meant to keep out marauding northern nomads.
中国的雄心勃勃的工程至少可追溯到公元5世纪开始的万里长城,它对防范北方游牧民族的劫掠很重要。 yeeyan

Fragmented by caste, language, and region, the nomads are ignored by politicians and, in contrast to other downtrodden groups, have reaped few benefits from social welfare schemes.
受限于社会等级制度,语言,地区等,游牧部落越来越被政治家所忽视,相对于其他饱受歧视的社会群体,他们从国家社会福利计划里收益更少。 yeeyan

He believes that despite the terrible conditions visible already, the nomads are currently only at the beginning of what has become a disaster.
他相信,虽然我们现在见到的情形已经足够可怕的了,但对于游牧民来说,这仅仅是灾难的开始。 yeeyan

His new film is an epic of the nomads.
他新拍的这部电影是游牧民族的一部史诗。 kekenet

Many nomads today are convinced that they don't have the time to think and care, so they concentrate on speed alone.
现在,许多游牧人认为他们没有时间来思考、斟酌了。他们所关心的只是写字的速度。 ecocn

Mister Sipan started the museum four years ago to show the nomads' traditional arts and crafts, including weaving with cloth.
西庞先生在四年前开办了这家博物馆,向世人展示这些游牧部落的包括织布在内的传统工艺品。 yeeyan

MUAMMAR QADDAFI was adept at negotiating with Tuareg nomads in the Sahara and created alliances with many of their clans.
卡扎菲是与在撒哈拉地区的游牧族群柏柏尔人周旋的老手,并且与许多游牧部落建立了盟友关系。 ecocn

One of the best things for a nomad, who obviously doesn't fit into the general lifestyle of Western society, is meeting other nomads.

Soldiers may well have traded their silk with the nomads who came to the gates of the Great Wall to sell horses and furs.
在汉代,这种织物作为货币流通于市面。士兵们可能和来到长城关口来出售马匹和皮毛的游牧民族交换他们的织物。 yeeyan

Somali elders talk of free- spirited nomads“vomiting up” orders made far away.
索马里的老辈人谈到了自由奔放的游牧民族天高皇帝远的生活。 ecocn

These workplace nomads don't see any stigma in listing three jobs in a single year on their resumes.
这些职场上的“游牧人群”丝毫不会为简历上一年换了三个公司的记录感到羞耻。 ebigear

They are nomads, and they will always be nomads.
他们是流浪者,他们永远都是。 yeeyan

This criticism dovetails strikingly with what other sociologists and psychologists are observing in the interpersonal behaviour of some nomads.
这个批评惊人的与一些社会学家和心理学家观察到的某些游牧人的人际交往行为相吻合。 ecocn

We chased the “ Kochi”, the nomads who passed through Kabul on their way to the mountains of the north.
我们还追逐过路的游牧部落,他们经由喀布尔,前往北方的层峦叠嶂。 kekenet

Nomads are characterized by a range of emotions, including denial, anger, and confusion about what to do with their lives.
流浪者,具有一系列的情感特征,包括否认、愤怒,对生活中的所作所为感到困惑。 yeeyan




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