

单词 noiselessly
释义 noise·less·ly 英'nɔɪzləsli美'nɔɪzləsli 高COCA⁵³²²²BNC⁴²⁴⁴⁷iWeb⁵¹²⁵³

without a sound;

he stood up soundlessly and speechlessly and glided across the hallway and through a door

近义词 quietly安静地silently沉默地soundlessly无声地inaudibly听不见似地

用作副词Suddenly he descried a dim yellow light movingnoiselesslytowards him from the far end of a long lane.突然,他看见有一盏昏黄的灯正从巷道的深处静静地向他移动过来。
The man poured a full glass of whisky, and set down the bottlenoiselessly.那人斟了满满的一杯威士忌,轻轻地放下瓶子。as in.quietly
同义词 softlyfaintly,in a low voice,in a whisper,in low tones,in silence,inaudibly,murmuring,sotto voce,soundlessly,tacitly,under one's breath,weakly
反义词 audibly,loudly,publiclyas in.silently
同义词 calmly,quietlymutely,wordlesslyas still as a mouse,soundlessly,speechlessly,stilly,without a sound
quietlyadverb silently
faintly,in a low voice,in a whisper,in low tones,in silence,inaudibly,murmuring,softly,sotto voce,soundlessly,tacitly,under one's breath,weakly
silentlyadverb without noise
as still as a mouse,calmly,mutely,noiselessly,quietly,soundlessly,speechlessly,stilly,without a sound,wordlessly The plane's crew were reported to have photographed the object, which they said had“ hovered noiselessly” near the aircraft, before moving off.
据称,当时机组人员拍下了这个飞行物的照片,并称当时它就在侦察机附近“无声地盘旋”,然后飞走了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The traditional transformer is trending towards pocketsize and noiselessly in inverter using high- frequency link technique, but the control circuit becomes difficult to be designed.
高频链技术使逆变器中变压器趋向于小型、无噪声化,但增加了控制电路的设计难度。 cnki

The water pressed up steadily and noiselessly from the hollow roots and hidden crevices of they plane, forming a wonderful amber pool ere it split over the lip of bark on to the earth outside.
从空洞的根茎到表面的缝隙,水波沉静有力的起伏,在裂开的树皮下构成一方美妙的琥珀池。 tianya

The door slid open almost noiselessly.
门几乎无声无息的滑开。 oldrain

The principle of static demolition is putting into blast hole water- mixed tatter agent and then the building elements will be demolished noiselessly by the tremendous expansion.
静态爆破的原理是将破碎剂用水调成浆体装入炮孔中,其产生的巨大膨胀压力可无声地破碎构件。 dictall

Cathy entered by the casement window of the drawing- room, and glided noiselessly up to where I awaited her.
凯蒂从客厅的窗户那儿进来了,一点声音也没有就溜到我正等着她的地方。 putclub

For all their great size, the elephants moved absolutely noiselessly.
尽管大象躯体很大,但走动时却没有一点声响。 ewteacher

He could now see better in the darkness, and finding himself at last at the foot of the staircase, began to ascend it noiselessly.
四周依然是死一般的黑暗,等他回过神来发现自己已经来到了楼梯前。 qidian

He noiselessly led the way into the hall, followed by the servant on tip- toe.
他不声不响地领进了大厅的方式,由垫着脚,仆人跟着。 en400

In the darkness of the mine I noiselessly crept as close as I could to the two men who were talking.
在这个漆黑而又寂静的矿井中,我仿佛就在这两个谈话人的身边。 aq94

Suddenly he descried a dim yellow light moving noiselessly towards him from the far end of a long lane.
突然,他看见有一盏昏黄的灯正从巷道的深处静静地向他移动过来。 spdc.shnu.edu.cn

The cat walked noiselessly through the grass.
猫不声不响地穿过了草坪。 jukuu

The earthworm slithered noiselessly over his foot.
蚯蚓悄悄从他脚上爬过。 gz8

The motor has been engineered to run noiselessly.

The sea crept noiselessly up the shore.
海水悄无声息地上海岸。 chinafanyi.com

Time noiselessly once rowed in the self- discipline of seven Yans.

Noiselessly she went along the upper corridor.
她轻轻地顺着楼上走廊走。 blog.sina.com.cn

Noiselessly they neared the house, and then a hoarse young voice chanted out of the dusk: “ I said, Bertie, why do you bound?”
他们悄无声息地走进了这所房子,然后,一个声音沙哑的年轻人在暮色中重复地唱着:“我说,伯蒂,你为何跳跃?” blog.sina.com.cn




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