释义 |
Nohara 基本例句 野原¹⁰⁰ During his stay,Nohara's wiry goatee has grown into a scraggly mass.在此期间,他的山羊胡子已经长得很长。 The embassy can't force him to leave, and sinceNohara's visa is valid all Mexican officials can do it wait for it to expire in early March.大使馆不能强迫他离开,因为他的护照在是有效的,所以整个墨西哥官员能做的就是等到明年3月他的护照过期以后再说。 At the headquarters of CNB, producer Shokichi Ichiba, director Kensuke Kanihara, announcer MeiNohara, and the other crew are standing by for a meeting with Haruka.春香的到来在电视台引来一场风暴。 Various stalls in the food court giveNoharafree snacks and drinks, sometimes even throwing in hats or coffee mugs with store logos to get free publicity during his frequent television appearances.餐饮部的许多小店会给他免费的快餐和饮料,有的时候,在他有电视采访时甚至在给他的帽子或者马克杯里放入商店的标志来做广告。 one day theNoharafamily was excited over their extravagant yakiniku dinner that they had planned for that night.However, a sudden appearance of a guy turned them into fugitives;一天早晨,小新一家人正为了晚上的烧肉大餐而兴奋莫名,却被一名突然闯入的男子打乱了一切,自此原本过着安逸生活的一家人竟成了通缉要犯,还被神秘组织“甜蜜男孩”追讨一项没有人知道是什么的“那个东西”! |