

单词 node
释义 node 英nəʊd美nodAHDnōd ★☆☆☆☆高T八GCOCA¹⁰⁹⁴⁰BNC⁷⁵⁶⁸iWeb³⁰⁴²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a connecting point at which several lines come togetherany thickened enlargementbotany the small swelling that is the part of a plant stem from which one or more leaves emergephysics the point of minimum displacement in a periodic systemastronomy a point where an orbit crosses a planethe source of lymph and lymphocytesany bulge or swelling of an anatomical structure or partcomputer science any computer that is hooked up to a computer network来自拉丁语nodus,节,结,词源同net,noose.引申词义结点。lymph node淋巴腺packet switching node包交换节点muco-cutaneous lympb node syndrome医皮肤粘膜淋巴结…Web Node电脑全球资讯网上…root node根节点decision node决策结点,决策点…dislocation node位错节点,位错节…current node电流波节partial node次节,不全节…initial node起点radial node径向波节node time节点时间atrioventricular node房室结,阿孝夫氏结,…node computer节点计算机open node开型节点failure node失效节点terminal node终止节点,终端节点…vibration node振动节点sentinel node魏尔啸氏结,看守淋巴…end node末端结点,结束结点…
nod结+e⇒结点。近义词 bud芽knot结lump块knob旋钮bump碰撞burl树节join连接bulge膨胀point观点joint联合的client委托人protuberance瘤swelling肿胀物nodule医小瘤connection联系thickening变厚leaf node叶节点intersection交集lymph node淋巴腺lymph gland淋巴腺meeting point集合点反义词 antinode波腹

用作名词Everynodein the hierarchy has a minimal set of attributes.层次结构中的每一节点都具有一组基本属性。
Local lymphnodeenlargement usually indicates a regional infection.局部淋巴结肿大通常是意味著该淋巴节附近区域之感染。
The capsule of thenodehas been invaded and the lymphomatous cells extend into the surrounding adipose tissue.淋巴结被膜被侵袭,淋巴瘤的细胞已经侵入周围的脂肪组织。
Here is a lymphnodeinvolved by lymphoma, a malignant process characterized by the proliferation of neoplastic lymphoid cells.淋巴瘤病人淋巴结,以淋巴样肿瘤细胞增生形成瘤为典型的恶性过程。
They had at least one source or inputnode.它们至少有一个发点或输入节点。noun.bud
同义词 bulge,bump,burl,clot,growth,knob,knot,lump,nodule,protuberance,swelling
反义词 depression
jointnoun intersection, juncture
jointsnoun intersection, juncture
junctionnoun connection
alliance,annexation,articulation,assemblage,attachment,bond,coalition,coherence,collocation,combination,combine,concatenation,concourse,concursion,confluence,conjugation,consolidation,convergence,coupling,crossing,crossroads,dovetail,elbow,gathering,gore,hinge,hookup,interface,intersection,joining,joint,juncture,knee,link,linking,meeting,miter,mortise,node,pivot,plug-in,reunion,seam,splice,terminal,tie up,tie-in,union,weld
junction/juncturenoun link, connection
alliance,annexation,articulation,assemblage,attachment,bond,coalition,coherence,collocation,combination,combine,concatenation,concourse,concursion,confluence,conjugation,consolidation,convergence,coupling,crossing,crossroads,dovetail,elbow,gathering,gore,hinge,hookup,interface,intersection,joining,joint,knee,linking,meeting,miter,mortise,node,pivot,plug-in,reunion,seam,splice,terminal,tie up,tie-in,union,weld
junctionsnoun connection
juncturesnoun link, connection
alliances,annexations,articulations,assemblages,attachments,bonds,coalitions,coherence,collocations,combinations,combines,concatenations,concourses,concursions,confluences,conjugations,consolidations,convergences,couplings,crossings,crossroads,dovetails,elbows,gatherings,gores,hinges,hookups,interfaces,intersections,joinings,joints,knees,linkings,meetings,miters,mortises,nodes,pivots,plug-ins,reunions,seams,splices,terminals,tie-ins,tie-ups,unions,welds And you can do this with the flexibility of using a global handler or a different one on each node as you see fit.
可以根据需要灵活选择使用全局处理程序或者对每一个节点使用不同的处理程序完成这项工作。 ibm

And we ask, what do we get with this node?

At each node, you answer the question and move on that branch, until you reach a leaf that answers yes or no.
在每个节点,您都会回答这个问题并继续沿着分支下移,直到您到达一个回答了是或不是的叶子节点。 ibm

Because nodes know nothing about the nodes that precede them, each node is itself the start of a list.
由于节点完全不了解它们之前的节点,所以每个节点本身都是一个列表的开始。 ibm

Because of this requirement, you will need to turn off resynchronization of the node on start up.
因为这个需求的原因,您将需要关闭启动时重新同步节点的功能。 ibm

Because node structures go in only one direction, they know nothing about the sequence of nodes that precede them.
由于节点结构只指向一个方向,所以它们完全不了解它们之前的节点的顺序。 ibm

Define every node within the cluster on both nodes.
定义两个节点上的集群中的每个节点。 ibm

Do this on each node.
每个节点都需要这样做。 ibm

Each extra session requires extra memory for its backups on every node in the cluster, so you quickly run out of memory.
每个额外节点都需要额外的内存来保存集群中每个节点的备份,所以很快就会用光内存。 ibm

Each node can be either a branch or a leaf.
每个节点都可以是一个分支或者是一个叶子。 ibm

For each content node that represents a page, a model exists that represents the layout of that pagethe Layout Model.
对于表示页面的每个内容节点,都有一个模型来表示该页面的布局布局模型。 ibm

For each query, it tries to determine which node contains the appropriate data.
对于每个请求,它都会试着确定哪个节点包含适当的数据。 ibm

If an admin has a“ golden image” that needs to be propagated to each compute node on the system, he should know what is in it.
如果管理员有一个“黄金映像”,需要把它传播到系统中的每个计算节点,那么他应该了解其中包含的内容。 ibm

In the case of two blade chassis, each node group should be specified on each blade.
在存在两个刀片机箱的情况下,每个刀片上都应指定每个节点组。 ibm

Initiate verify and sync from this node.
从这个节点启动检查和同步。 ibm

It is therefore connected to an end node.
因此它是连接到某个结束节点的。 ibm

Nevertheless, all this is transparent to you, as you still end up with a node that has the name you want.
不过,所有这些对于您来说都是透明的,最终得到的是一个具有您所希望的名称的节点。 ibm

Of course, by including the SQL itself as an attribute of the root node, one can reconstruct anything implicit in the SQL.
当然,通过将 SQL本身作为根节点的一个属性包含在内,人们可以重新构造 SQL中固有的任何事物。 ibm

Of course, not all node types have all these properties.
当然,并非所有节点类型都具有所有这些属性。 ibm

One of its purposes is to register for all notifications which occur on that cell, node, or server.
其目的之一就是为该单元、节点或服务器上发生的所有通知进行注册。 ibm

There is one of these files in every profile for every node in the cell.
计算单元中的每个节点的每个概要中都包含一个此类文件。 ibm

This allows quick distribution of application contents to each of the nodes in the cluster so that each node runs the same applications.
这允许把应用程序的内容迅速地分发到集群中的每个节点,这样每个节点都会运行同一个应用程序。 ibm

This operation is performed on every node.
在每个节点上执行这个操作。 ibm

This queue manager should be located on another node.
此队列管理器应位于另一个节点上。 ibm

Unless otherwise stated, you must run the tasks here on each and every node of the cluster.
除非特别声明,您必须在集群中的每一个节点上运行这里的任务。 ibm

Verify or change the host name and node name.
验证或更改主机名和节点名。 ibm

With only one node each for title, subtitle, and author, this is a shortcut to express the location path without entering the absolute path.
因为标题、子标题和作者各自只占一个节点,所以这是一种表达位置的快捷方式,无需输入绝对路径。 ibm

With this generic list node structure, you can now define lists and list operations that work regardless of the type of data stored in them.
使用这个通用的列表节点结构,您现在可以定义列表和不需要考虑存储在列表中的数据类型的列表操作。 ibm

You could then select another subset through a member pointer of that node.
然后,您可以通过该节点的成员指针来选择另一个子集。 ibm

You need to configure all the JNDI names used by your distributed applications in every node of the cluster.
您需要在集群的每个节点中配置您的分布式应用程序使用的所有 JNDI名称。 ibm




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