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Nocerino 基本例句 诺切里诺¹⁰⁰ Here the comments of Ranieri, Legrottaglie, Palladino,Nedved andNocerino.赛后,拉涅利和尤文众将分别接受了访问。 In terms of available players, an improvement compared to Reggio, as Buffon andNocerinoare also back.相比上一场比赛队员方面,布丰、诺切利诺都已经归队,那些上一场比赛中遭受迫害的队员,希望在这一场比赛中复仇。 AntonioNocerinowas born in Naples on the 9th of April 1985;his dad Ciro is retired, while mum Giovanna is a housewife.安东尼奥.;诺切里诺1985年4月9日出生在那不勒斯,他的父亲奇罗已经退休了,而的他的母亲吉奥温娜是一个家庭主妇。 Nocerino, a combative central midfielder, was born in Napoli and has had spells at Avellino, Genoa, Catanzaro and Crotone in his short career to date.诺切里诺,这位顽强的中场球员,出生在那不勒斯。在他短暂的职业生涯中至今为止效力过阿维利诺、热那亚、卡塔萨罗和克罗托内。 Nocerinois possibly one of the best signings of the summer.He's a rock-solid midfielder who can play in the centre or on the right, as he did in the Livorno game.诺切利诺可能是夏天的最佳收购了请大声地念出“最佳”,他是一个有着钢铁意志的中场队员,可以胜任中路或者右路的位置,就像在对垒利沃诺的比赛中那样。 The Rosanero will allegedly receive co-ownership of striking prodigy Davide Lanzafame, full rights to Azzurrini midfielder AntonioNocerinoand £9.5m.巴勒莫提出拿到前锋拉扎法梅的共同拥有权,中场诺且里诺全部所有权和950万英镑的现金的条件。 |