

单词 nobody
释义 no·bod·y 英ˈnəʊˌbɒdiː, -ˌbʌdiː, -bədiː美ˈnoˌbɑdi, -ˌbʌdi, -bədiAHDnōʹbŏd'ē, -bŭd'ē, -bə-dē ★★★★☆初中高研牛4COCA¹³²⁰BNC¹⁴⁶⁰iWeb²⁷⁷⁶Economist³¹⁹⁷

no person; no one


a person of no importance or influence

a person of no influencenobody,none,no one




no one只用于指人,通常后面不连用of。

用作名词 n.
形容词+~mere nobody十足的小人物
非常记忆no不+body身体⇒没有人不爱惜自己的身体蒋争熟词记忆no无body人⇒无人;没有人;谁也不钱博士no没有+body人→没有人⇒无名小卒,小人物小学英语速记合成词:no没有+body身体→没有人no无body人⇒无人;没有人;谁也不近义词 no不not不one一zero零fry油煎man男人person人soul灵魂cypher零small小的woman妇女cipher密码none没有人banana香蕉no one没有人no man没有人second第二的fiddle小提琴anyone任何人unknown未知的small fry儿童mediocrity平常nothing没有什么nobody无足轻重的人…flunky穿制服的仆人…unimportant不重要的a英语字母表的第一个字母…nonentity无专长或成就的人…insignificancy无意义无价值…second fiddle交响乐队中第二小提琴部…second banana在戏里担任次要滑…upstart暴发户反义词 everybody每人
用作代词(pron.It was so cold that nobody can make his hands naked.天气太冷,没有人能把手露在外面。
He was such a fast talker that nobody could understand him.他讲话很快,没有人能听懂。
Is it true that nobody loves a fat woman?没有人喜欢胖女人,是真的吗?用作名词n.He is a merenobody, and it is mere a matter of time for people to recognize him.他只不过是个小人物,要大家认清这一点只是时间的问题。
They think they are somebodies, actually they are nobodies.他们自以为了不起,其实他们是无名小卒。
用作代词She has almostnobodyto take up for her.她几乎没有人支持。
Nobody likes to live in that desert region.没有人喜欢生活在那个沙漠地区。noun.unimportant person
同义词 nothingcipher,lightweight,menial,nix,nonentity,nullity,parvenu,squirt,upstart,wimp,zero,zilch,zip,zippoinsignificancy,little guy,small potato
反义词 VIP,somebody
ciphernoun zero;nothingness
blank,diddly-squat,goose egg,insignificancy,nada,naught,nil,nonentity,nothing,nought,nullity,squat,zilch,zip,zippo,zot
failurenoun person who does not succeed
also-ran,bankrupt,born loser,bum,castaway,deadbeat,defaulter,derelict,disappointment,dud,flop,good-for-nothing,has-been,incompetent,insolvent,loafer,loser,lumpy,might-have-been,moocher,no-good,nobody,nonperformer,prodigal,turkey,underachiever,washout
failuresnoun person who does not succeed
also-rans,bankrupts,beats,born losers,bums,castaways,deadbeats,defaulters,derelicts,disappointments,duds,flops,good-for-nothings,has-beens,incompetents,insolvents,loafers,losers,lumpies,might-have-beens,moochers,no-goods,nobodies,nonperformers,prodigals,turkeys,underachievers,washouts
nebbishnoun nonentity
no onepronoun no person
nobody,not anybody,not anyone,not one
nonepronoun not one thing
nil,no one,no one at all,no part,nobody,not a bit,not a soul,not a thing,not any,not anyone,not anything,not one,nothing,zero,zilch“ Nobody gets out of love alive, ” she laughs.
她笑着说“没有人能活着离开爱。” yeeyan

“ Nobody really knows why dolphins have the impact that they do,” she says.
“没有人真正知道为什么海豚会有那样的影响力,”她说。 yeeyan

As nobody liked to talk to her, she felt completely left out in cold.

At the trial he said over and over that he had done it to settle his conscience, but nobody listened to him.
在审判庭上,他一遍又一遍的说,他之所以这样做是为了让良心得到安稳。但是却没有人相信他。 yeeyan

Because if we perceive social distributions as just, even though this is not what they are, then nobody will attempt to strive for change.
因为,如果我们认为社会分配是公正的,即使不是真正意义上的公正,但没有人会试图努力地去改变它。 ecocn

Because nobody might perceive his or her beauty.

But of course nobody believed my story.
不过,当然没有人相信我的故事。 cri

But nobody knows how they do it with such accuracy, or why eels spawn where they do.
但是,没有人知道它们如何做到那么准确,或是鳗鱼为什么要在大海里产卵。 ecocn

But nobody knows quite what to do.
但没人完全知道该做什么。 ecocn

For once, nobody could accuse them of lacking ambition.
这一次,没有人能指责他们缺乏雄心。 ecocn

I do, and nobody seems to care.
我可以做到,似乎也没有人关心。 yeeyan

I played guitar and loved to sing, but nobody liked hearing me.
我弹吉他并且喜欢唱歌,但是没有人喜欢听我唱。 yeeyan

Nobody asked his opinion, so he butted out.

Nobody calls these issues trivial— but they are also among the hardest to deal with.
没有人认为这些议题是微不足道的——但他们也是最难以处理的问题。 ecocn

Nobody can keep me back from taking the job.

Nobody can read the future.

Nobody can tell you what to do with your body or when to do it.
没有人能告诉你应该怎样对待你的身体,什么时候去过性生活。 yeeyan

Nobody knew I had it.
没有人知道我有它。 yeeyan

Nobody knows whether she seriously intends to join the race or, if she does, how seriously to take her.
没有人知道她是否是认真地打算参加选举,抑或她准备拿出多少诚意来参加选举。 hxen

Nobody listens to you in the office or at home?
在办公室或家中无人听你倾诉吗? iciba

Nobody took her up on that offer.
当时没人接受她的那个提议。 yeeyan

Nobody will be there to save you from your own stupidity.
没有人会到把你从自己的愚蠢行为中搭救出来。 yeeyan




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