释义 |
NLE 基本例句 =neonatal lupus erythematosus 新生儿红斑狼疮 The nonlinear editing technology is very common in producing TV program.NLElaboratory has its own characters.摘要非线性编辑技术非常普遍地应用在电视节目制作中,而非编实验室的建设却有自身的特点。 We retrospectively analyzed and followed 13 cases ofNLEin National Taiwan University Hospital in the past 10 years.而皮肤血管扩张在新生儿红斑性狼疮中也是一种主要的皮肤表徵。 There is a total of five children who were noted to have prominent and persistent telangiectases at specific sites in the course ofNLE.我们回溯性研究分析并追踪过去十年来在台大医院的13例新生儿红斑性狼疮,结果发现有五例新生儿红斑性狼疮在身上特定处有明显及持续性的血管扩张表徵。 Sixty-fie percent of subsequent siblings had manifestations ofNLE, including 30% with congenital heart block, often in association with a skin rash.其余有NLE表现的患者30%有先天性心脏传导阻滞,65%合并有皮肤表现。 |