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词汇 nld
释义 nldCOCA⁷⁷⁶⁹⁶BNC²⁸³⁷²
医糖尿病脂性渐进性环死=necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum
For her part, the NLD leader has indicated that she is being pragmatic after half a lifetime in the wilderness.
就其个人来说,全国民主联盟的领导人表明,在半生远离政治舞台之后她将是务实的。 yeeyan

For the first time since it won a landslide in an election in1990 that was never honoured, the NLD would be a legal force in Burmese politics again.
这意味着自 NLD在1990年那场从未兑现过的选举中首次获得压倒性胜利以来,它将再次在缅甸政坛上呼风唤雨。 ecocn

It might even lead to talks about the NLD's joining the political process.
甚至可能出现关于民盟参加政治活动的言论。 ecocn

Monday’s march was joined by some of the country’s best-known actors and musicians, as well as leaders of the opposition National League of Democracy NLD and crowds of ordinary Burmese.
有一些该国非常出名的演员和音乐家参加了周一的游行,同时参加游行的还有反对派 NLD全国民主同盟领导成员以及缅甸平民。 ecocn

On the other hand, the NLD has said that sanctions should remain, though it has lifted its opposition to tourism in Myanmar.
另一方面,民盟坚持制裁应该持续下去。不过他们已不再反对缅甸旅游业的开放。 yeeyan

The NDF must worry that the NLD’s boycott will claim the staunchly anti- government part of the electorate, who would have otherwise voted for the pro- democracy parties.
民主国家力量肯定担心民主国家联盟的联合抵制将吸引选举中的反政府力量,否则反政府力量投票给前民主党派。 ecocn

The NLD won an overwhelming victory in the last elections in1990, but the junta refused to accept the result.
在1990年的上届大选中, NLD已赢得了压倒性的胜利,但是军政集团拒绝接受这个结果。 yeeyan

The NLD won the previous free election in 1990.
NLD曾在1990年赢得上一次自由选举。 ecocn

Another would remove a requirement that parties must contest at least three seats at the general election which the NLD boycotted.
第二,废除党派选举将军这为 NLD所抵制时必争夺至少三个席位的要求; ecocn

As Burma's largest opposition party, the NLD won a landslide victory in the1990 election but the military regime never acknowledged the result.
作为缅甸最大的反对党,全民盟在1990年的选举中获得了压倒性胜利,但是军政权从没承认过这一结果。 yeeyan

As leader of the National League for Democracy NLD party, she represents the most serious threat to the generals' hold on power.
作为全国民主联盟 NLD党的领导人,昂山素姬是手握政权的将军们的最大威胁。 yeeyan

But their leader refused: accepting this election would mean accepting the validity of the NLD’s stolen victory in 1990.
但他们的领导人拒绝了:接受大选意味着接受民主国家联盟被窃取的1990年胜利。 ecocn

However, the military did not allow her party to take power and the NLD has since been largely disbanded.
然而,军方并没有让她的政党接管政权,而 NLD在很大程度上也已被解散。 yeeyan

In March, the NLD decided not to register as a political party for the2010 election, saying the election would not be free and fair.
三月份的时候,全民盟决定不再为2010年选举进行政党登记,因为它认为这次选举不会是自由公正的。 yeeyan

In protest, her National League for Democracy NLD will not contest the election, although a breakaway party will.
因以示抗议,她领导的全国民主联盟 NLD将不参加竞选,尽管这个联盟即将解散。 ecocn

It broke off from Ms Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy NLD to contest the election. The NLD boycotted the polls.
由于由素季女士领导的全国民主联盟抵制大选,它从民盟中分离出来参加竞选。 yeeyan

Last fall the regime promised Mr. Gambari that it would begin a dialogue with the democracy leader and allow her to meet with NLD colleagues.
直到去年秋天,缅甸当局向甘巴里先生承诺它将与民主派领导人展开对话,并允许她与国家民主联盟的同仁会面。 yeeyan

Most notable of these is the National Democratic ForceNDF, led by former NLD members who saw these elections as a valuable opportunity, disagreed with the boycott and bolted.
大多数名人是由之前的民主国家联盟成员领导的民主国家力量的,他们认为这次选举机遇难得,不同意联合抵制或者退出。 ecocn

Several leading members of Burma's disbanded National League for Democracy NLD recently visited family members of ethnic political prisoners who are serving long prison sentences.
缅甸被强制解散的全国民主联盟 NLD的几个领导成员最近探望了处于长期监禁的少数民族政治犯的家属。 yeeyan

She points to the other NLD members now returning her living room to its conventional use.
最后,她提醒身旁别的民盟成员们她的卧室该恢复常规用途了。 yeeyan

Suu Kyi's meeting with her lawyer followed last week's official NLD announcement of an election boycott.
素季在上周全国民主联盟 NLD正式宣布抵制选举后会见了自己的律师。 yeeyan

The NDF is made up mostly of former members of the NLD who disagreed with Miss Suu Kyi's call to boycott the election.
全国民主力量主要由不赞成翁山苏姬抵制大选的全国民主联盟 NLD前党员组成。 ecocn

There is no chance, they point out, of the NLD returning to power under a gerrymandered constitution that ensures the military's proxy party controls about80% of parliamentary seats.
他们指出,按照现有的不合理的选区划分,确保了代表军方的政党控制约80%的议席,如此看来,全国民主联盟返回掌权没有任何机会。 yeeyan

Win Htein,68, told reporters that he would participate in social activities arranged by the National League for Democracy NLD, especially to help political prisoners and their families.
现年68岁的温田 Win Htein告诉记者他将参加全国民主联盟 NLD组织的社会活动,特别是帮助政治犯和他们的家人。 yeeyan




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