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nkundaCOCA²³⁰³⁶² 基本例句 🌏恩孔达 General Laurent Nkunda's mainly Tutsi rebels are poised to grab the eastern city of Goma after capturing most of the smaller towns in the area. 劳伦特•恩昆达将军的图西叛军在占领东部城市戈马大部分的小城镇之后,他们又准备去占领戈马城。 ecocn Mr Kabila has also winked at local militias, including the Mai- Mai, who have been fighting General Nkunda's men too. 然而,卡比拉总统却对地方民兵组织的种种行为表示了默许,这些组织包括了对抗恩昆达将军部队的麦伊-麦伊音民兵团。 ecocn Mr Kabila is now sending soldiers, tanks and helicopter gunships to the east, threatening to squash Mr Nkunda for good. 卡比拉总统现在正在向刚果东部地区派遣士兵、坦克与武装直升机,这样也就可以长久地压制恩昆达先生的军事实力。 ecocn The president of Congo, Joseph Kabila, for his part, is unhappy at the continued links between Mr Nkunda and the Tutsi- dominated Rwandan government. 刚果总统约瑟夫•卡比拉就自己的立场而言,他是不高兴看到恩昆达将军仍与图西人掌控的卢旺达政府还保持联系。 ecocn What is unclear is the extent of the relationship between the Rwandan president, Paul Kagame, with Mr Nkunda. 目前还不清楚的是,卢旺达总统保罗•卡加梅与恩昆达将军的关系到底如何。 ecocn Analysts think that is untrue, but generally agree that Mr Nkunda is largely following his own agenda. 分析人士认为,这种说法是不够真实的,但却一致赞同恩昆达将军总体而言还是自行其事。 ecocn And if violence were to erupt again, the UN would probably be asked by Mr Kabila to help him arrest rebel leaders such as Mr Nkunda. 如果暴力事件再次出现的话,很可能卡比拉总统会要求联合国部队助他逮捕像恩昆达先生这样的叛军领袖。 ecocn But the mountain gorillas now face an even more uncertain future. In October this year, rebels loyal to Laurent Nkunda seized the headquarters of Virunga national park. 但如今山地大猩猩们面临更加不确定的地将来,在今年的十月份,忠诚于劳伦特.恩轮达的叛乱者控制了维龙加国家公园的总部。 yeeyan But Tom Cargill, director of the Africa programme at Chatham House, suspects Nkunda may hope to use China as a smokescreen. 不过,智库机构 Chatham House非洲项目主管 Tom Cargill怀疑 Nkunda或许在利用中国,作为其烟幕。 yeeyan Congo's President Kabila may have to meet General Nkunda's demand for direct negotiation, simply because the Tutsi rebels are militarily dominant; 刚果总统卡比拉也许要答应恩昆达将军直接谈判的要求,原因很简单,因为图西叛军在军事上占有优势; ecocn For instance, despite the fact that some of Mr Nkunda's men have committed war crimes, the UN must still carry out joint patrols with them as they are officially part of the national army. 比如说,恩昆达先生的士兵中有一些犯下了战争罪行,但联合国的维和部队却必须与这些人一起联合巡逻,因为他们都被纳入了刚果国民军。 ecocn General Nkunda deserves to be in the dock at The Hague for war crimes. 恩孔达将军应当以战争罪被海牙军事法庭审判。 ecocn Human Rights Watch, an advocacy group, says it has evidence that Mr Nkunda is recruiting for his4,000 strong force inside Rwanda, including from demobbed Rwandan soldiers. 人权观察游说组织表示,他们有证据显示恩昆达将军正在为自己的4000左右的大军在卢旺达实行新兵招募,包括从复员的卢旺达军人中招募。 ecocn In eastern Congo a rebel leader, Laurent Nkunda, leads an army that has clashed for several years with local militias and forces loyal to the Congolese government. 在刚果东部地区,一支叛军头子劳伦特•恩昆达领导的军队几年来一直与本地民兵组织以及与效忠刚果政府的军队发生着冲突。 ecocn Mr Kabila hoped this would weaken Mr Nkunda. 卡比拉总统希望此举能够削弱恩昆达的实力。 ecocn Mr Kagame will need to provide clear evidence of a break with Mr Nkunda and a commitment to preventing Rwandan citizens from fighting in his militia. 卡加梅总统需要提供事实存在的证据来表明与恩昆达将军的分裂,并做出承诺来保证卢旺达平民不会加入恩昆达将军的战斗组织。 ecocn.org Mr Nkunda’s extradition by Rwanda to Congo could take some heat off Mr Kabila and help him sell a seemingly unholy alliance with Mr Kagame to the sceptical Congolese: a tricky task. 将恩昆达从卢旺达引渡回刚果会稍微减轻卡比拉的压力,同时有助于向对其持怀疑态度的刚果民众兜售他和卡加梅组成的联盟表面上看起来有些像邪恶同盟。 ecocn Mr Nkunda claimed again this week that he would march across Congo to the capital, Kinshasa, to overthrow the government of Joseph Kabila, who was elected in national polls two years ago. 恩昆达将军本周再次重申,他将横扫刚果直抵首都金沙萨,以颠覆两年前国民投票产生的约瑟夫•卡比拉的政府。 ecocn Mr Nkunda slipped into Rwanda last week still believing that his furtive friendship with Mr Kagame would protect him. 恩昆达上周潜进卢旺达时,还指望卡加梅与自己的秘密友谊可以罩他一阵子。 ecocn Mr Nkunda knows that merely threatening such an assault will spread dismay and play on popular dissatisfaction with a government that has done little to please voters. 恩昆达将军很清楚,仅是危言耸听地要发动攻击能散步恐慌,并是一个几乎无法让选民满足的政府受到大众平民的不满。 ecocn Ongoing conflict in the east of Congo has worsened this year as a dissident Tutsi general, Laurent Nkunda, who has close ties to the Rwandan government, has launched an assault in the region. 随着图西叛将劳伦特•恩昆达他与卢旺达政府有着密切关系在刚果东部发起了一场袭击事件,该地区如火如荼的冲突也在今年越演越烈。 ecocn President Kabila's government says it wants Mr Nkunda arrested for war crimes, but Mr Kabila has also sent an envoy to negotiate. 以卡比拉总统为首的政府讲道,他们要将恩昆达先生以犯有战争罪行而逮捕,但是卡比拉先生却已经派遣了一位特使进行谈判。 ecocn Rwanda would break up the CNDP and hand over Mr Nkunda, with a proviso that the CNDP's fighters would be integrated into the Congolese army. 卢旺达将交出恩昆达并粉碎“全国保卫人民大会”武装,条件是这些武装分子被并入刚果军队。 ecocn Their commander, Laurent Nkunda, has declared a ceasefire and promised a“ humanitarian corridor” to allow the passage of food and other aid to displaced people. 图西军的指挥官洛朗•恩昆达已经发表了停火声明,并承诺会提供一个“人道主义者的通道”来允许他们将食物与其它援助派送到无家可归的人民手中。 ecocn Their visit comes amid renewed fighting in eastern Congo between the Congolese army and ethnic Tutsi rebels, led by Laurent Nkunda. 在他们前往访问的同时,刚果政府军和军阀恩孔达领导的图西族反叛军在刚果东部地区重燃战火。 iciba UN officials involved in the 17,000-strong peacekeeping operation in Congo believe that Rwandan troops have aided Mr Nkunda's advance on Goma by firing on UN helicopter gunships. 包含于在17000左右维和部队中的联合国官员相信,卢旺达军队在恩昆达将军行军的途中帮助了叛军打击联合国的武装直升机。 ecocn Nkunda says he is protecting the region's ethnic Tutsi community from Rwandan Hutu militia operating in the area, and has demanded direct negotiations with the Congolese government. 恩孔达说,他在保护这一地区的图西族人不受在这里活动的卢旺达胡图族民兵的伤害,并要求同刚果政府举行直接谈判。 ebigear |