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The other challenges facing theNJPwere the same as for any other new journal.新物理学刊面临的挑战,与其他新学刊需处理的挑战,没有什麽不同。
TheNJPseries fully automatic hard capsule filling machines are suitable for filling 0#-4# and safety capsules.J P系列充填机是适合充填0#-4#及保安硬胶囊的全自动充填机。
Currently, theNJPreceives more than 100 submissions a month, and that number is growing.目前,新物理学刊每月收到100多篇稿件,且持续增加中。
In the last six months, theNJPhas been constantly identified by the ISI as the physics journal with the highest proportional rise in citations.在过去的六个月里,科学资讯研究所已经确认新物理学刊是引用比例最高的物理学刊之一。
LOCKSS is an initiative of Stanford University which allows member-libraries to collect theNJPin its entirety, store it, archive it, and grant access to its own local copy.由美国史丹福大学发起的多备份保全计画,允许会员图书馆蒐集整份新物理学刊,储存、典藏它,赋予近用在地副本的权利。
TheNJPis financed by the authors ;current publication costs were covered by current income in 2006 for the first time.新物理学刊由作者支持,,2006年达到收支平衡。




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