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词汇 Nixon
释义 Nix·on 英ˈnɪksən美ˈnɪksənAHDnĭkʹsən 高COCA⁴⁰²⁴BNC¹¹⁵⁵⁴

vice president under Eisenhower and 37th President of the United States; resigned after the Watergate scandal in 1974 1913-1994 Nixon Doctrine尼克松主义
近义词 Richard Nixon理查德·尼克松…Richard M. Nixon理查德·尼克松…Richard Milhous Nixon理查德·米尔豪…

Mr. Nixon have the floor.尼克松先生发言。
Kennedy,43, became the youngest person and the first Roman Catholic elected to the presidency with his narrow victory over Nixon.最终43岁的肯尼迪以微弱多数,击败尼克松,成为美国最年轻也是第一位罗马天主教总统。
Nixon told us that “the time is past for the United States to compete with one hand tied behind one's back.”尼克松告诉我们“美国可毫不费力地与人竞争的时代已一去不复返了。”
Is, as Mr. Nixon said, our prestige at an all time high?是否如尼克松先生所说,我们的声望正前所未有的高? Richard Nixon“ retired” in 1962 after losing an election for the governorship of California.
理查德·尼克松1962年“退休”后,在加利福尼亚州长选举中失败。 yeeyan

Richard Nixon famously argued that it was not a revolution at all.
理查德•尼克松有句名言:这根本不是一场革命。 ecocn

The chances are that the Chinese government, like Richard Nixon’s in 1972, will say“ job done” and pull the plug on the whole shebang.
属于中国领导人的那一时刻,是否会像1972年的尼克松一样说“任务完成了”然后拔下整个系统的插头呢。 ecocn

“The new regulations increasing oversight of foreign funding for Chinese NGOs is an example of how ubiquitous government oversight is,” says Thomson of The Nixon Center.
新的规则增强了对非政府组织外国资金的监督,这便是政府监督是无处不在的例子,尼克松中心汤姆森说。 yeeyan

All the living former Presidents came to President Nixon’s funeral on the grounds of his presidential library and birthplace.
所有在世的前总统都到尼克松总统的总统图书馆和出生地参加了他的葬礼。 yeeyan

Although much of the Nixon visit to China has been covered by the principals themselves in their published memoirs, the bibliography and notes to On China give helpful leads to many other sources.
尽管尼克松访华的很多细节在双方当事人自己出版的回忆录里都有记载,但是通过《论中国》一书的参考书目和注释,很容易寻找更多的信息来源。 yeeyan

Americans found that out when, after a month in office, Mr Ford gave Nixon a“ full, free and absolute” pardon for anything he might have done while president.
民众发现,就在入主白宫一个月以后,福特便动用总统特权给尼克松“一个完全、自由、绝对”的特赦,赦免他在总统任内的所有罪行。 ecocn

Another piece of research on the ages at which presidents from Washington to Nixon died found that25 of36 passed away earlier than would have been predicted.

At the first debate in 1960, Nixon was not feeling well.
在1960年的第一次辩论的时候,尼克松有点不舒服。 ecocn

But when it comes to practising politics, particularly at election time, the Republicans have a rather different hero, a man of frowns rather than smiles: Richard Nixon.
但是谈到使用政治手段,特别在选举期间,共和党另有一个英雄,一个皱眉而非微笑的人物:理查德•尼克松。 ecocn

But this year the Republicans are left with nothing but a culture war to sell to the voters—Richard Nixon with the redeeming features left out.
但是,今年共和党除了给选民上演文化战,已别无他法——当然,稍能作补偿的理查德•尼克松也被排除在外。 ecocn

He said Richard Nixon is the kind of man who would take wooden nickels off a dead mans eyes.
他说理查德.尼克松是这样一种人,就连盖在死人眼睛上的木制镍币都要拿走。 yeeyan

I was somewhat surprised when his family asked me to speak, along with Bob Dole, Henry Kissinger, and California governor Pete Wilson, who as a young man had worked for Nixon.
当他的家人请我和鲍勃.多尔、亨利.基辛格、加利福尼亚州州长皮特.威尔逊他在年轻时曾为尼克松工作过一道发言时,我感到很吃惊。 yeeyan

Richard Nixon announced it in 1972 with all the drama of a CEO reading out the company report. Space was to become“ familiar territory”, ready for“ practical utilisation”.
1972年,理查德.尼克松用 CEO宣读公司报告般的激情通告世人:太空将会成为我们“熟悉的领土”,为我们“在实际中开发”。 ecocn

Richard Nixon, then the vice- president, was among Stone’s first targets as“ a young man who symbolises a slick kind of Arrow- collared fascism” and remained in his sights until the Watergate scandal.
理查德尼克松,后来的副总统,就是斯通第一批作为“一个象征着一种圆滑剑领法西斯主义的年轻人”的靶子,他一直在斯通的视野内,直到水门事件。 ecocn

Richard Nixon was the first sitting president to visit China, but as we see here, certainly not the first president of all time.
理查德尼克松是第一个在位期间访问中国的美国总统,但是,我们也看到了,不是有史以来的第一个。 yeeyan

She is a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election, except for one thing: Ann Nixon Cooper is106 years old.
此次选举中,她跟数百万排队希望自己的声音被听到的投票人,没有什么两样,只有一样与众不同:这位叫安·尼克松·库柏的妇人已经106岁了。 ecocn

She typed an e- mail to Nixon, who came right away.
她给尼克松发了一封电子邮件,他很快就来了。 yeeyan

The last tragic US president was Richard Nixon: he was a crook, but a crook who fell victim to the gap between his ideals and ambitions on the one hand, and political realities on the other.
上一个悲剧性的美国总统是理查德·尼克松:他是个骗子,但却是个最终成为受害者的骗子,因为他掉进了沟里,沟的一边是他的政治理想和雄心,另一边是他面对的政治现实。 yeeyan

The next president, Richard Nixon, advocated Vietnamization, withdrawing American troops and giving South Vietnam greater responsibility for fighting the war.
下一任总统理查.尼克松主张战争越南化,撤出美国军队并给南越更大的战争职责。 yeeyan

Then, in1971, Richard Nixon denied foreign central banks the right to convert their dollars into gold.
然而,在1971年,理查德·尼克松否定了外国银行兑换美元成黄金的权利。 yeeyan

This does not make him the most unpopular president in post-war history—Richard Nixon and Harry Truman have gone lower.
这并没有使他成为战后以来最不受欢迎的总统——理查德•尼克松与哈里•杜鲁门的支持率还要低。 ecocn

Nixon won on the first ballot, with692 votes to277 for Rockefeller and182 for Reagan.
在第一次投票选举中,尼克松以692票对洛克菲勒的277票和里根的182票胜出。 yeeyan

Nixon is an example.
尼克松就是例子。 yeeyan

Nixon was surprised, but after he thought it over, he decided to give every parent the same option.
尼克松很吃惊,但是经过反复思考后他决定给每一位家长同样的选择。 yeeyan




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