

单词 aryans
释义 aryans ˈeərɪənz COCA⁷⁹⁸³⁶BNC⁷⁰⁸⁰¹
法雅利安人原型aryan的复数 It was, apparently, the domestication and breeding of animals and the formation of herds of considerable size that led to the differentiation of the Aryans and Semites from the mass of barbarians.
牲畜的驯养和繁殖以及较大规模的畜群的形成,看来是使雅利安人和闪米特人从其余的野蛮人群中分离出来的原因。 jukuu

The Poseidon's were far too cultured and gentle in nature to attempt to fight the Aryans and sought to educate them and spiritually influence them into changing their ways.
波塞顿人天性上太过文明和温和,无法与雅利安人争斗,却想要去教育他们,从精神上影响他们并改变他们的方式。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Aryans, who outnumbered the Poseidans3 to1, dared not attack Poseida lest they have the crystalline energy that powered the nation shut off.
雅利安人与波塞迪亚人的人数比例是3比1,但他们不敢攻击波塞迪亚人,唯恐波塞迪亚切断驱动整个国家的水晶能量。 douban

Although the Aryans had the military edge, the Mediterranean states did not succumb, and regional colonial wars raged on with neither side able to dominate the other.
尽管雅利安人拥有军事优势,但地中海国家并没有屈服,殖民地的区域战争激烈进行,但任何一方都不能主宰另一方。 douban

And the call is not just for those of you of the Law of One, it is equally called to the Aryans, to the Sons of Belial.
召唤的并不只是你们“一的法则”,同样召唤雅利安人,“恶魔之子”。 douban

He had been seduced by the Aryans, and fell victim to his ambitions.
他受到了雅利安人的引诱,向自己的欲望野心屈服。 douban

Swastika, a symbol associated with the Indo- Aryans by early historians, has been found in large numbers over several IVC sites.
纳粹党所用的十字记号,被早期历史学家认为是一个与印度雅利安人相关的标记,在几个印度河流域文明区域里被发现。 iciba

The Poseidans were far to cultured and gentle in nature to attempt to fight the Aryans and sought to educate them and spiritually influence the Aryans into changing their ways.
波塞迪亚人由于天性过于温和文雅而不能与雅利安人打仗,只能设法教育、从精神上对雅利安人施加影响以改变他们的行为。 douban

The Aryans formed a caste system in order to maintain the purity of their blood and to maintain white supremacy.
在雅利安人形成了种姓制度,以保持纯净的鲜血和维护白人至上。 www.00.dating-woman.org

The Aryans responded by stopping food supply and manufactured goods. A great impasse ensued.
雅利安人就停止供应粮食和工业制品作为回应,之后,巨大的僵局随之而来。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Aryans were essentially the breadbasket and industrial centers and thus provided the5 islands with the bulk of produce and industrial machinery.
雅利安基本上是粮食产区和工业中心,从而为5个岛屿提供大部分的农产品和工业机械。 douban




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