

单词 nitrogenous
释义 ni·trog·e·nous 英naɪˈtrɒdʒənəs美naɪˈtrɑdʒənəsAHDnī-trŏjʹə-nəs 高COCA¹¹¹⁵⁸⁰BNC⁵⁵⁸⁷⁵iWeb³⁹¹²⁵

of or relating to or containing nitrogennitrogen氮nitrogenous guano富氮海鸟粪nitrogenous substance含氮物质organic nitrogenous含有机氮的nitrogenous manure氮素厩肥,氮肥…nitrogenous base含氮碱基,氮碱…nitrogenous equilibrium等氮平衡nitrogenous fertilizer氮肥nitrogenous glycoside含氮糖甙nitrogenous generator氮发生器nitrogenous compound氮化合物nitrogenous effluent含氮废水non-nitrogenous diet无氮膳食nitrogenous metabolism化 氮的代谢作用…
nitrogen氮+ous形容词后缀⇒氮的,含氮的。近义词 nitrogen-bearing氮的
A technique of producing nitrogenous stainless steel is introduced in this paper.
介绍粉末包套烧结—自由锻造法制备含氮钢的过程。 chemyq

And third, while they're in this paddock, they are, of course, defecating madly and their very nitrogenous manure is fertilizing this field.
再次,它们在围场中,它们也必然的大量排便它们含氮丰富的粪便也成了这片土地良好的肥料。 douban

Application of nitrogenous fertilizer could markedly increase the plant part nitrogen content and the grain protein content.
氮肥的施用可显著提高各器官组织氮素的含量,进而提高籽粒蛋白质含量。 cnki

The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogenous substances.
将大气中的氮转化为含氮的物质。 yeebang.com

The disease seventy was increased with the increasing application of nitrogenous fertilizer, but yield loss varied with varieties.
增施氮肥后,甘蔗赤斑病严重度增加,但对产量的影响则因品种而异。 cnki

The ruminal protozoal is the important component of the ruminal microorganism. They influence the digestion and utilization of carbohydrate, nitrogenous material, mineral and vitamin in feed directly.
瘤胃原虫是瘤胃微生物的重要组成部分,它们直接影响饲料中碳水化合物、含氮物质、矿物质和维生素的消化和利用。 cnki

A nitrogenous molecule, either a PYRIMIDINE or a PURINE, that combines with a pentose sugar and phosphoric acid to form a nucleotide, the fundamental unit of nucleic acids.
一种含氮的分子,嘌呤碱或者是嘧啶碱,它们和戊糖还有磷酸一起构成核苷酸,核苷酸是核酸的基本结构单位。 iciba

Addition of nitrogenous fertilizer promoted the composting progress of CLR.
氮肥的加入促进了玉米叶片残体的腐解。 iciba

Adenine refers to a portion of the molecule, the nitrogenous base.
腺嘌呤指分子的一部分,即含氮碱基。 yeeyan

Another method put forward by the Gates Foundation in South Africa is using the urine of400,000 people to make nitrogenous fertilizer in powder form.
另一个盖茨基金会在南非推行的方法是使用40万人的尿液来制造粉末状氮肥。 yeeyan

Because the nitrogenous nutrition play an important part in the modern crops production system, the applied the amount of nitrogen fertilizer has ben increased year by year.
由于氮素营养在现代作物生产系统中的重要作用,氮肥的施用量正逐年增加。 cnki

Domestic waste water from towns and villages, nitrogenous industrial waste water and agricultural nitrogen manure are the main nitrogen pollution sources.
城镇生活污水、含氮的工业废水和农田氮肥是水环境的主要氮污染源。 cnki

In order to obtain nitrogenous steel, a kind of nitrogenous alloy is demanded.
为了发展含氮钢,需要提供某种含氮的合金。 cnki

In this paper, the transport characteristics of the nitrogenous com-pounds in the xylem sap of soybean plant were studied.
本文研究了大豆植株木质部汁液中氮素运输特征。 http://dj.iciba.com

Nitrate content of fruit in aubergine vegetables was not affected by variety and amount of N fertilizer applied. Nitrogenous fertilizer had good action to quality of vegetables.
茄果类蔬菜果实中硝酸盐的含量不受氮肥品种和施用量的影响,氮肥对提高蔬菜品质有良好作用。 cnki

Objective To determine three nitrogenous compounds, oxalate, ions concentration and reductive substance in the anti-coagulant extracting solution from Bombyx Batryticatus.
目的对僵蚕提取液中三种形态的含氮物质、草酸盐、总离子浓度和还原性物质进行含量测定。 dictall

Otherwise, the lower mineral and nitrogenous nutrition during quick growth period are the external causes for it.
此外,在速生时期矿质和氮素营养缺乏可能是光合速率降低的外部原因。 cnki

Protein content of rice increased with the temperature during grain filling period or the nitrogenous nutrition arising.
稻米蛋白质含量随着氮素营养水平提高和灌浆成熟期温度升高而增加。 cnki

Results shows: using measure of Long and Add Effect Pill of Wide Nitrogenous can not exceed8% Nitrogenous Fertilizer and also low6% one.
示范推广的结果表明:氮素长效增效剂的施用量不能超过氮肥施入量的8%,也不能低于6%。 cnki

So studying the relationship of rice root and the nitrogen's absorption and using makes sense for raising the utilization rate of nitrogenous fertilizer and alleviating the pollution of environmental.
因此研究水稻根系与氮素吸收利用的关系对于提高氮肥利用率、缓解环境污染具有重要意义。 cnki

Such formation of nitrogenous compounds promotes protein synthesis that is essential for plant growth.
这种转变促进植物合成蛋白质,以利生长。 iciba

Therefore, tortoises, such as Leopards, eliminate nitrogenous waste products with far greater water conservation.
因此,龟,如豹,消除含氮废物的产品与更大的节约用水。 cngui

This paper attempts to discuss the implication of hydrogen bond on the properties, the chemical reactions and the structures of the nitrogenous organic compounds.
本文仅就氢键对含氮有机化合物的性质、化学反应和结构的影响作进一步的分析论证。 cnki

Titan, Saturn's largest moon, has a dense nitrogenous atmosphere and is the only place, other than earth, containing stable pools of liquid on its surface.
泰坦,土星最大的月亮,有稠密的含氮大气层,并且是地球以外在其表面上含有稳定液池的唯一地方。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Nitrogenous fertilizer production is an important department in modern chemical industry and the major raw material of which is synthetic ammonia.
氮肥生产是现代化学工业中的一个重要部门,而氮肥生产主要环节是合成氨。 cnki




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