

单词 nitrification
释义 ni·tri·fi·ca·tion 英,naɪtrəfə'keʃən美,naɪtrəfə'keʃən 高COCA⁵⁸⁰¹⁰BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺iWeb⁴⁶⁹⁴⁶

the chemical process in which a nitro group is added to an organic compound or substituted for another group in an organic compoundthe oxidation of ammonium compounds in dead organic material into nitrates and nitrites by soil bacteria making nitrogen available to plantsnitrification inhibitor硝化抑制剂degree of nitrification硝化度nitrification process硝化法bacterial nitrification细菌硝化rate of nitrification硝化速率heterotrophic nitrification异养硝化
用作名词Nitrification is an important step to affect nitrogen removal in biological treatment processes.生物脱氮系统中,硝化作用好坏是影响脱氮工艺效率的重要步骤。
The effects of salinity on thenitrificationof activated sludge without acclimation and with acclimation were studied respectively on the basis of batch experiments.通过批量试验系统研究了盐度对常规活性污泥硝化作用的影响以及污泥在含盐环境中经过驯化后其硝化功能的变化。 A down flow biological fluidized bed reactor DBFB was used to discuss the stability of nitrification through nitrite under low concentration of dissolved oxygenDO.
采用下向流内循环生物流化床反应器,在低浓度溶解氧条件下,探讨了亚硝化过程的稳定性。 dictall

A down flow biological fluidized bed reactorDBFB was used to discuss the stability of nitrification through nitrite under high concentration of ammonia.
本文采用下向流内循环生物流化床反应器,在高浓度氨条件下,探讨了亚硝化过程的稳定性。 cnki

In the A/ O process nitrification control strategy established based on the on- line information can not only improve the effluent quality, but also reduce the energy consumption for operation.
基于上述在线信息建立的 A/ O工艺硝化过程控制策略,不但能提高出水水质,而且降低了运行能耗。 cnki

The adsorption method by coarse pored resin can be taken as an important component in the toluene nitrification wastewater process.
大孔树脂吸附法可以作为甲苯硝化废水处理工艺中的一个重要组成部分。 cnki

The nitrification inhibition by substrate and it's kinetic model in nitrifying granules were investigated by using a batch respirometry test.
利用序批式呼吸运动计量法研究了硝化颗粒污泥硝化作用的基质抑制及其动力学模型。 dictall

A problem related to nitrification is a drop in PH for the system due to the formation of nitric acid.
和硝化作用有关的一个问题就是由于生成硝酸而使系统内的 PH值降低。 kuenglish

Ammonia can be transformed into nitrate that can be utilized by plant via nitrification.
氨经硝化作用转化成可被植物利用硝酸盐。 iciba

And DCD inhibits the nitrification of ammonium nitrogen and made soil preserve more ammonium nitrogen in a longer period.
并且双氰胺通过其硝化抑制作用可以延缓铵态氮的硝化速率,使施入的碳铵能较长时间的以铵态氮的形态存在。 iciba

Ease of Nitrification. BOD removal and nitrification can be achieved in a single step of treatment with no change in operation.
减少硝化反应。去除 BOD和硝化反应可以通过单独的一步反应实现,不需要变更操作。 www.1x1y.com.cn

HQ can effectively restrain the volatilization of ammonia been dressed in soil and produce strong restraint to the nitrification strength of urea and ammonium salt.
氢醌能有效地抑制施入土壤中尿素氨的挥发,而对铵盐和尿素的硝化强度产生强烈抑制。 cnki

In a cell of biofilm reactor for whole- run nitrification, chlorine was added to achieve the selective inhibition to two kinds of bacteria in nitrification.
以稳定运行的全程硝化的生物膜反应器的一个反应单元为研究对象,通过外加氯实现对硝化反应中两类细菌的选择性抑制。 iciba

Results showed that urea was hydrolyzed fast with a high nitrification activity.
结果表明,潮土上尿素氮水解快,硝化活性较高。 cnki

Some factors affecting the nitrification in soil of the Tianjin municipal sewage Land- treatment System are evaluated in the present paper.
本文对影响天津市城市污水土地处理系统现场土壤硝化作用的一些因子进行了研究。 cnki

The regularity of kinetics parameters was determined and biofilm surface was observed through microscopes during biofilm formation in nitrification filters by cinder and zeolite media.
研究了用煤渣和沸石作为填料的硝化滤器挂膜过程中动力学参数的变化规律,并对生物膜进行了电镜观察。 dictall

Through the field investigation and infiltration, nitrification, adsorption and dispersion experiments, the required parameters are obtained.
通过实地调查和渗水、硝化、吸附、弥散等室内外试验,获取了所需水文地质参数。 cnki




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