

单词 nite
释义 nite 英naɪt美naɪtAHDnīt ○○○○○高COCA⁵⁷⁷⁵⁵BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺iWeb²⁴⁴⁴⁸
n. =night
A hybrid numeral scheme of fi- nite element and finite difference is employed in the solution.
采用有限元和有限差分混合方法求解; cnki

Daniel Dreiberg in 'Watchmen' is not creative enough to invent his own superhero character, so he takes one from a retiring superhero, the original Nite Owl.
中的丹尼尔.德瑞博创意不足,无法自己发明一个超级英雄,所以选择在原本的一代夜枭退休以后接收这个身分。 yeeyan

For additional view, I'm not really expected to see this in only one nite.
而且,我没有期望在一夜间实现。 mw801

The current changes slowly with time under a defi- nite voltage.
以及在特定电压下,电流随时间的缓慢变化; cnki

This paper presents the stress analysis of three- column centrifuge drum by fi- nite element method, security assessment is also performed.
对三足离心机转鼓采用有限元方法进行了应力分析,并进行了安全性评定。 cnki

As a mathematical model of preprocessing for fi- nite element analysis in hydro-cylinder CAD system, it can effectively raise analysis efficiency.
它作为液压缸 CAD系统有限元分析前置处理的数学模型之一,可有效提高分析效率。 cnki

Based on self- consistent model, the average elastic properties of effective medium are calculated by the fi nite element iteration procedure.
它以自洽模型为基础,利用有限元迭代法计算有效介质的平均弹性性能。 cnki

But Bennett said Boyz Nite was not a singles night for gay men.
但是班尼特说 Boyz Nite不仅欢迎同性恋的单身男性。 kekenet

Hey, it is an amazing night and I think I will always remember. Nite!

Howard, I dreamed u last nite.

In design and application n of column continuous beam- like. the formulas directed in this paper have defi nite practical value.
在连续梁式压杆的设计与应用中,所推导的公式有一定实用价值。 cnki

Mr. Nite can't make it; so his wife will accept the award on his behalf.
奈特先生不能来,因此由他的夫人代他领奖。 kekenet

Nonlinear fi- nite element numerical analysis method will be one of effective means in air spring design.
非线性有限元数值分析技术,可为空气弹簧的设计提供一种较为可靠的手段。 cnki

The numerical method is finite volume method on unstructured moving mesh for fluid flow and fi- nite difference method for structural vibration.
流动及振动控制方程组分别采用基于非结构化运动网格上的有限体积法和有限差分法求解。 dictall

The calculation progress of the regular triangular element fi- nite element method is given.
给出规则的三角形单元的有限元素法的计算过程。 cnki

Thx2 all off who gave me words of encouragement4 my performance last nite.
谢谢你们大家对我上次演出的鼓励。 blog.sina.com.cn

When he leaves for work check him out. Print him a bill but also tell him that due to renovations and noise the room fees, just for the nite is complimentary.
当他出差时,帮他退房,给他打印费用清单,但告诉他,由于装修和噪音的缘故,昨晚的住宿是免费的。 blog.sina.com.cn

When I told un-initiated people that I was going to Nude Nite, it conjured up salacious thoughts of some kind of party at a nudist resort.
当我告诉那些门外汉我要去参加裸体之夜时,他们想到的却是类似于裸体度假村的某种充满性欲的派对。 yeeyan

Nite Owl combines a unique energy drink, a glow- in- the- dark shot glass tray, and dry ice.
黑夜猫头鹰结合了独特的能量饮料,一辉光在这黑暗拍摄玻璃托盘,和干冰。 ccitimes




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