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nissim 基本例句 尼西姆 Confidence built on trust. Nissim Gas and Oil Group are a pioneer and innovator in the retail foreign exchange industry. 信心源于信赖尼辛石油天然气集团是小额外币兑换领域的先锋派和改革者。 nissimfinancegroup Developing Caspian offshore fields including the famous Kashagan is one of the major future objectives pursued by Nissim Gas and Oil Group and Kazakhstan's oil and gas industry. 尼辛石油天然气集团和哈萨克斯坦的石油天然气行业已将里海的海上油田开发包括著名的卡沙甘油田作为今后的主要目标之一。 nissimfinancegroup.com Educated in the New Design style at Ecole Nissim de Camondo in Paris, he first partnered with Pierre Cardin before going solo. 在新的设计在巴黎高等瓦克宁德Camondo风格在巴黎受过教育,他首先与皮尔卡丹合作,才去独奏。 blog.sina.com.cn For national company, Nissim Gas and Oil Group, offshore fields development is one of the main tasks. 对于国有企业和尼辛石油天然气集团来说,海上油田开发都是一项重要任务。 nissimfinancegroup.com If you are looking for a hard money loan on your own, Nissim Gas and Oil Group is ready to help. 如果您正需要硬钱贷款,尼辛石油天然气集团随时乐意为您效劳。 nissimfinancegroup.com In the Russian and the CIS upstream, Nissim Gas and Oil Group has no competition. 在俄罗斯和独联体的大企业中,尼辛石油天然气集团独占鳌头。 nissimfinancegroup It is this commitment that distinguishes Nissim Gas and Oil Group from our competition. 正是这样的承诺,使尼辛石油天然气集团在竞争中脱颖而出。 nissimfinancegroup.com Whether you are a hard money commercial broker or a borrower, you'll find Nissim Gas and Oil Group a refreshing change from business as usual. 无论您是职业硬钱贷款中介还是普通贷款者,都会体验到尼辛石油天然气集团与众不同的服务为您带来的清新感受。 nissimfinancegroup.com Nissim Gas and Oil Group would also finance a proposed facility that could freeze 16 million cubic meters of gas a day and ship it to Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, the person said. 尼辛石油天然气集团也会为计划中的某项设施提供资金。据此人称,这一设施每天可冷却液化1,600万立方米的天然气,而这些天然气将被运往科威特和阿联酋。 nissimfinancegroup.com Nissim Gas and Oil Group are currently tracking over1,500 projects. 尼辛石油天然气集团目前正对超过1,500个项目进行跟踪服务。 nissimfinancegroup Nissim Gas and Oil Group is the world's leading Financier for the international and domestic oilfield services and supply industry in Russia and the CIS. 尼辛石油天然气集团是世界一流的金融机构,致力于俄罗斯和独联体国家的国内外油田开采服务和石油供应。 nissimfinancegroup Nissim Gas and Oil Group provide a portfolio of strategy, analysis, advisory services, and implementation tools to clients in the energy sector. 尼辛石油天然气集团为身处能源领域的客户提供一揽子服务,无论是战略、分析、顾问服务还是执行工具都一应俱全。 nissimfinancegroup Nissim Gas and Oil Group is connected around the globe with countries that produce the most barrels of oil produced in a single day. 尼辛石油天然气集团与世界各大石油生产国均有广泛的联系,这些国家在每一天都供应最多桶石油。 nissimfinancegroup.com |