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词汇 nipples
释义 nipples
As a result men have some redundant female features such as nipples.
因此,男人具有某些女性特征,如乳头。 yeeyan

Raw, painful, even bloody nipples are tough to miss, though sometimes you won't notice it until you get into the shower only to be treated to a decidedly unpleasant stinging sensation.
你会看到破皮、疼痛甚至是血淋淋的乳头。 通常你在洗澡的时候才会发现这个问题——淋浴的时候你的乳头立刻就能感受到一种非常不爽的刺痛感。 yeeyan

The breasts may also increase noticeably in size and stimulation of the nipples causes the production of the potent hormone oxytocin, which causes urgent tingling sensations in the genitals.
乳房也可能显眼地变大,并且乳头的刺激引起效力强大的催产素的分泌——在性器官内产生急不可耐的痒颤感。 yeeyan

The feel of your eyelids brushing faintly, yet frantically against her nipples is guaranteed to drive her crazy!
你眼睑的感觉只是微微刷动,然而叫人抓狂的是,受不了的这乳头能保证逼得她疯狂! yeeyan

A modeling technique where a topless woman conceals her nipples by covering both breasts with her hands or fingers.
这是一种模特技法。上空的女性用她的双手和手指,遮掩她的双乳,以隐蔽她的乳头。 yeeyan

Also, remember that her nipples are not the only parts that need some attention.
还有,不要只是关注她的乳头,尽管那里非常敏感。 yeeyan

Before especially long runs and on hot days, smear a little petroleum jelly on the nipples or really anywhere there might be some chafing.
在长距离跑或者炎热的日子里跑步的话,在乳头上涂上一些凡士林或者那些容易被磨擦的地方都可以涂。 yeeyan

But during focus group meetings, user’s didn’t really know what to do with the snap on lid, and the rubber protrusions reminded them of nipples.
后来核心小组会议认为用户不会知道小盖板可以打开,而且橡胶突起也会让他们想起乳头。 yeeyan

Chafing most often occurs around the bra line women, nipples men, inner thighs, and under the arms.
擦伤最常发生的地方是胸罩边缘女性,乳头男性,大腿内侧和胳膊下方。 yeeyan

First, the man applied the electric shock device to my chest. He then moved it to my nipples.
一开始,那个人拿了电棒电我的胸,然后电乳头。 yeeyan

For example, some girls like seamless cups because they don't irritate the nipples; others choose styles that minimize jiggle to ease the occasional aches of breast development.
例如,一些女孩儿喜欢无缝杯胸罩,以避免对乳头的刺激;另外一些女孩选择轻柔的款式来缓解发育过程中经常变换的胸部尺寸。 yeeyan

I have not even mentioned male nipples.
我还没有说男人的乳头。 yeeyan

Men might also make errors at work when their brains are focusing on the nipples and not, for example, the numbers.
或者说他们工作的时候满脑子都是乳头以至于弄错了该要计算的数字。 yeeyan

Secondly, women's nipples can be a real source of erotic sexuality so it's a shame not to stimulate us longer via our nipples.
其次,女人的乳头可以真正成为情爱的性致之源,所以我们有乳头不用的刺激简直就可耻。 yeeyan

Since the platypus lacks nipples, the pups suckle milk from the mother's abdominal skin.
因为鸭嘴兽没有乳头,幼兽在母兽腹部舔食乳汁。 yeeyan

Some women say that licking and manual stimulation of the breasts and nipples excites them so much that they reach a climax.
有些女性说舌头舔和手对乳房及乳头的刺激可以让她们兴奋不已,直至高潮。 net

The type of bra that has cups loosely covering the breasts, which also includes holes around the nipples.
这款乳罩马马虎虎的确有一个罩杯,但在乳头一周开放了一个孔洞。 yeeyan

The study also found a direct link between the nipples and the genitals, which may explain why some women can orgasm through nipple stimulation alone.
同时该研究也发现了乳头和生殖器存在有直接联系,这或许能够解释为什么女人单凭刺激乳头就能体验性高潮了。 douban

These often have padded cups to conceal nipples and to provide a smooth line under t- shirts.
它们常常用填充杯来掩饰乳头,并借其在 T-恤下塑造平滑的曲线。 yeeyan

Try lying in bed with sexy music, rubbing your body with scented oil, fingering your nipples and using the vibrator directly on your clit.
躺在床上,播放一些性感的音乐,用香油按摩你的身体,用手指揉搓你的乳头,然后直接用震动器按摩阴蒂。 yeeyan

We were going at it so fast that the straps on my top slipped off and my nipples were being tickled by the hay.
我们的动作非常迅猛,我的肩带都滑了下来,乳头被那些干草挠着。 yeeyan

When he hurt her nipples, he confessed that he was a virgin but did not ask K. if she was one, too.
当他弄痛她的乳头的时候才将自己是处男的事情告诉她,却没有问她的情况。 yeeyan

With all this growing and developing going on, girls will notice an increase in body fat and occasional soreness under the nipples as the breasts start to enlarge— and that's normal.
随着成长的进行,女孩们将会注意到身体脂肪的增加,而且随着乳房的增加,乳头偶尔会有疼痛感。 ——那都是正常的。 yeeyan

YOU may not wonder why women have bumps around their nipples but it has bemused many.
你可能不知道为何女性的乳头周围有一些小突起,不过这一点的确令许多人不解。 yeeyan




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