

单词 nipped
释义 nipped 英'nɪpt美'nɪpt COCA⁵⁰⁸⁴⁹BNC²⁸⁵²⁷Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
名词 nip:
a small drink of liquoroffensive slang offensive term for a person of Japanese descentthe taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouththe property of being moderately colda tart spicy qualitya small sharp bite or snip
The dognippedme in the leg.那狗咬了我的腿。
Henippedin just in front of me.他赶在我前面进来。
A crabnippedmy toe while I was paddling.我 水时脚趾让螃蟹给夹了。
The icy breezenippedthe young blooms.寒风摧残了初绽的花朵。
She hasnippedout to the bank.她急忙去银行了。
She wanted to be an actress, but her father soonnippedthat idea in the bud.她想当演员,但她父亲一知道这个想法就阻止住了。
The dognippedthe postman on the leg.那只狗咬了邮递员的腿。
Inippedmy finger in the door.我的手指被门夹了一下。 By the time he was six, any budding friendships with the little girls at his dancing class were promptly nipped.
六岁时,他是休想和舞蹈班的小姑娘们做上朋友的,因为父母一看到点苗头,就会立马把它扼杀在摇篮里。 ecocn

I could never see Mama again. Love died in my heart, like a spring flower nipped by frost.
妈妈永不能相见了,爱死在我心里,像被霜打了的春花。 jukuu

In recent years, it has nipped in the bud over six dozen outbreaks that could have led to global crises.
近年来,该组织已经将72起可能本已导致全球危机的疾病发作扼杀于萌芽之中。 ecocn

The fallout from such conflicts isn’t hard to find: Most everyone knows of couples who have quarreled over pets, or even divorced, because her spaniel nipped at his Rottweiler.
种种分歧引发的争吵屡见不鲜:几乎谁都认识这么几对夫妻因为宠物闹翻了,有的甚至离了婚,起因不过是女主人的西班牙猎犬咬了男主人的罗特韦尔犬。 yeeyan

THE United Nations began soon after the second world war, at a conference in San Francisco, in a blaze of never- again idealism, amid hopes that all future aggressors could be nipped in the bud.
二战后不久,旧金山会议上,在绝不要再有世界大战的理想主义热情的迸发中,在未来所有的侵略者可以被扼杀在摇篮里的期盼下,各国开始联合起来了。 ecocn

The scheme to allow all pensioners a free travel pass was nipped in the bud by the government, who said it would cost too much.
政府认为为所有领养老金者提供免费旅游通行证的计划耗资过大,因此刚有人提出就被否决了。 iciba

A crab nipped my toe.
一只螃蟹箝住了我的脚趾头。 jukuu

And when I nipped to the loo, my urine was blood-coloured. Though concerned, I decided to wait to see the doctor the following day.
而且我还有血尿。虽然十分担心,但我还是决定等到第二天再去看医生。 yeeyan

But the black velvet trouser suits with their cigarette pants and nipped shoulders were a classic silhouette that will appeal to many Armani followers.
但黑色的天鹅绒套装配上窄管裤和立肩,对众多阿玛尼的粉丝而言都是经典的轮廓。 yeeyan

He nipped in and took my bag back.

He nipped away after giving me some coins.

Heard what I was saying, and nipped off to the patrols the very next day.
一听到我的话,她第二天就去报告了巡逻队。 jukuu

Mr. Wu’s clothes are most often described as ladylike and seem to belong to an earlier era, meaning polished jackets, flower prints and dresses with nipped waists and teacup skirts.
吴先生的时服经常被称为属于年代较早的贵妇型,即抛光的夹克、有花边、收腰、印花的喇叭短裙。 yeeyan

My little son nipped in with a smart question.

Now she's having her favorite frocks nipped in at the waist to fit her trim figure.
如今她又将心爱的裙子在腰围处稍加裁剪,以适应苗条身材。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

She nipped across to Mrs Jones and borrowed some sugar.
她急忙跑到琼斯夫人那里借了点糖。 http://dj.iciba.com

The new lot could have nipped the bonus fiasco in the bud.
新政府原本可以把这场奖金丑闻扼杀在萌芽阶段的。 ecocn

The thief tried to run away, but a dog nipped at his leg.
那个贼想溜,但一条狗咬住了他的腿。 iciba

The dog nipped him in the leg.
那只狗咬了他的腿。 iciba

The ivory satin dress had a nipped in waist, 9ft train and long- sleeved bodice of handmade lace by the Royal School of Needlework, based at Hampton Court Palace.
这款乳白色的缎纹婚纱配有9英尺长的掐腰式拖裙,长袖上衣的蕾丝都是由汉普顿宫皇家刺绣学院的工作人员手工缝制。 ebigear

The plot has been nipped in the bud.
这一阴谋尚未成形即被挫败。 iciba

Well, thanks to the magic of chemistry, maybe such nicks will soon be nipped.
哈哈,对亏了神奇的化学效应,很快就能抚平这些瑕疵。 yeeyan




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