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词汇 Ninomiya
释义 Ninomiya
n.二宫在日本;东经 139º58' 北纬 36º22'
Age of reason?Ninomiyain anti-war film Letters From Iwo Jima.上周五电影在全英公映。和我想的分毫不差,少有。
Based on the hit comic book by TomokoNinomiya, this is a fun-filled quirky romantic story of two very opposite people.基于击中漫画书由二宫知子,这是一个有趣的充满离奇的浪漫故事,两个非常对面的人。
The human study was done by YuzoNinomiya, a neuroscientist at Kyushu University, in Japan.在人体上的研究由日本九州大学神经系统科学家YuzoNinomiya等人完成。
Can not sit out the front door of the carNinomiyait, it’ll get off after around a large Waner.可不要坐去二宫前门的车呀,那下车后可要绕大弯儿了。
Summary: Based onNinomiyaTomoko\\'s hit manga, TV drama Nodame Cantabile has found just as much popularity with its fresh cast, lighthearted story, and appealing soundtrack.目标是成为指挥的桃丘音乐大学的钢琴系3年级学生千秋真一,拥有极高的音乐才能,可是却因为幼年飞机失事和溺水的经验而惧怕飞机与船,无法出国进修,令他对未来非常苦恼。
KazuhikoNinomiyaand John D. Ferry, “some approximate equations useful in the phenomenological treatment of linear viscoelastic data, Journal of Colloid Science, Vol. 14, pp.36-48 .苏铭胜;电子构装材料在注模后烘烤中热机械性质与数学模式之研究;国立成功大学工程科学研究所硕士论文.




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