nine thousand three hundred and thirty nine
nine thousand three hundred and thirty nine
=9339 九千三百三十九
He was servinga ten spot for arson
He was serving a ten spot for arson
He was set down as being put into jail
He was set on becoming a doctor
He was set on by robbers who took all his money
He was setting forth an important axiom
He was set upon by two masked men
He was severely punished
He was shackled and in darkness of torment
He was shaking with fright
He was shamed into working
He was shamed to death
He was Shanghaied
He was sharply reprimanded for his negligence
He was shaven
He was shaven,and his coat and tie were decent
He was shaven, and his coat and tie were decent
He was shivering with cold
He was shocked into silence
He was shockingly hurt
He was short and stocky
he was short of breath
He was shot by a member of a rival gang
He was shot for collaboration with the enemy
He was shot on November 19
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更新时间:2025/3/12 13:42:50