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词汇 Nile
释义 Nile 美naɪl COCA¹⁴¹³⁶BNC¹³⁵⁰⁰

the world's longest river 4150 miles; flows northward through eastern Africa into the Mediterranean; the Nile River valley in Egypt was the site of the world's first great civilizationNile green尼罗绿Nile blue A尼罗蓝ANile red尼罗红Nile blue耐尔蓝West Nile virus西尼罗河病毒…West Nile fever西尼罗河热Blue Nile青尼罗河
近义词 Nile River尼罗河

用作名词The Aswan Dam harnessed theNile.阿斯安水坝利用尼罗河产生动力。 These grew up in the world's great fertile river valleys, the Euphrates, the Tigris and the Indus, but I want to start with the most famous river of them all, the Nile.
最早期的城市与国家崛起于世界上伟大的肥沃河谷里,幼发拉底河、底格里斯河、印度河等等,然而我想从这所有河流中最著名的尼罗河开始。 yeeyan

“ MEN are intimidated when they go into a jewellery store to buy their first diamond,” says Diane Irvine, the chief executive of Blue Nile.
“男人们走进珠宝店买他们第一件珠宝的时候总会有些压迫感。”蓝色尼罗河的总经理黛安.厄文说。 ecocn

A farmer fills buckets of water to clean his tractor from Nile water being pumped into an irrigation canal for his farm.
一位农民在往桶里装水清洗他的拖拉机,水是从尼罗河抽上来送到他农田的灌溉渠里。 yeeyan

A prediction about the impact of sea level increases on people living in the Nile Delta was taken from an unpublished student dissertation.
一个关于海平面上升对尼罗河三角洲居民的影响的预测是应用自没有发表的学生论文。 yeeyan

Analyzing the genetic material, he and his colleagues concluded that the encephalitis had been caused by West Nile virus.
通过分析遗传材料,他和同事们断定脑炎的罪魁祸首是一种叫做“西尼罗河病毒”的特殊病毒。 yeeyan

As a testament to his importance, User had his own tomb on the west bank of the Nile in Luxor, where royal kings and queens were also buried.
作为他地位重要性的见证,使用者在卢克索的尼罗河西岸有他自己的坟墓。而那里也是皇室的国王和王后的埋葬之处。 yeeyan

Diamonds are forever, but if Blue Nile continues to wash over the market, some traditional sellers may not be.
钻石恒久远,但如果蓝色尼罗河继续横扫珠宝市场,一些传统商家也许不再恒久。 ecocn

Egypt‘s very soil was born in the Nile’s annual flood; with the flood came the life-giving mud that made Egypt the granary of the ancient world.
万物之所以能生长,是因为埃及的土地是尼罗河每年泛滥带来的泥沙而形成的。埃及就这样成了古代世界的粮仓。 ebigear

For years Egyptian bureaucrats from the Nile Valley have refused to let the Bedouin register their land.
多少年来尼罗河流域的埃及官员们一直拒绝贝都因人拥有自己的土地。 ecocn

Grain agriculture was only possible in a few places where a river, like the Nile, could be harnessed.
粮食农业只在河流,如尼罗河可以被利用起来的少数地区才可能。 yeeyan

It reserved the entire dry season flow of the Nile for Egyptand allowed Cairo to veto any water development project in the Nilebasin .
它帮埃及储存了整个旱季的水流,并允许开罗否定在尼罗河流域任何一项水资源发展计划。 yeeyan

Now, when competing for Nile water, Cairo must deal with several governments and commercial interests that were not party to the1959 agreement.
现在,当争夺尼罗河水资源的时候,开罗必须面对的是好几个非1959年协议当事方的政府和商业利益团体。 yeeyan

The study in question was of Nile lechwe, an endangered antelope.
研究的对象是尼罗河驴羚,一个濒危的羚羊品种。 ecocn

The main Egyptian railway runs parallel to the Nile, and traverses nearly560 miles between Aswan and Cairo.
这条埃及主要的铁路线沿着尼罗河修建,从阿斯旺到首都开罗约560英里。 cri

There is some evidence for their weakening the flow of the Nile and disrupting monsoons.
有证据显示,火山灰减缓了尼罗河的水流,并扰乱了季风。 ecocn

Under British colonial rule, a1929 treaty reserved80 percent of the Nile’s entire flow for Egypt and Sudan, then ruled as a single country.
在英国殖民统治下,1929年的一份条约将尼罗河全部流量的80%保留给了埃及和苏丹,随即它们合为一个国家。 yeeyan

Vaclav Silha, the Czech photographer, had set up his camera on the banks of the Nile in the Serengeti national park, Tanzania, to take snaps of50 hippos bathing in the river.
捷克摄影师瓦茨拉夫·希尔哈在流经坦桑尼亚的塞伦盖蒂国家公园的尼罗河河段的岸上支起了照相机,抓拍50头在河里洗澡的河马。 yeeyan

West Nile virus is mainly transmitted to people through the bites of infected mosquitoes.
西尼罗河病毒主要通过受感染蚊子的叮咬传播给人类。 who

West Nile virus first appeared in North America in 1999.
西尼罗河病毒最早是1999年在北美洲被发现的。 yeeyan

Nile crocodiles kill an estimated300 people each year in Mozambique alone.
仅在莫桑比克,尼罗河鳄鱼每年就杀死约300人。 hjenglish

The inability to manage the waters of Lake Victoria, which is increasing in turbidity, bodes ill for the management of the White Nile.
而在维多利亚湖如今水质已越来越浑浊不清水域上的管理不善对经营白尼罗河的人来说并不是好兆头。 ecocn

Birds are the natural hosts of West Nile virus.
鸟类是西尼罗河病毒的自然宿主。 who

Blue Nile adopted a virtual model, in which it provides a shop window for suppliers yet does not put any of its own capital at risk.
蓝色尼罗河采用虚拟模式,它为供应商提供一个虚拟橱窗,而不用冒险投入自己的资金。 ecocn

Grain agriculture was possible only in a few places where a river like the Nile could be harnessed.
只有在像尼罗河一样的河流可以利用的为数不多的地方谷物的种植有可能进行。 yeeyan

In this view of Egypt, we see a population almost completely concentrated along the Nile Valley, just a small percentage of the country's land area.
在这幅埃及的图像中,我们能看到人群紧紧簇拥于尼罗河谷沿岸——虽然这只是埃及国土上的一小片地区。 yeeyan

Moreover, new uses are being found for the Nile itself.
此外,人们也发现了尼罗河本身的新用途。 yeeyan

So far Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya and Rwanda have signed the new Nile basin accord, which would require only a simple majority of member countries to approve new projects.
目前为止,埃塞俄比亚、乌干达、坦桑尼亚、肯尼亚和卢旺达已经签署新的尼罗河盆地协议,只要求成员国的简单多数便可批准新项目。 yeeyan

The part of central Africa he was investigating, round the headwaters of the Nile and the Great Lakes, was the darkest part of the continent’s dark heart.
库特兹调查的中非这一区域,位于尼罗河及大湖的源头附近,这里曾是非洲大陆黑暗腹地中最幽暗的部分。 ecocn

They also transmit devastating diseases such as yellow fever, West Nile fever and dengue.
它们同时也在传播疾病,如黄热病、西尼罗河热和登革热。 ecocn




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