

单词 nikto
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It was the ancient pre- Republic Hutts that delivered the Nikto salvation from the cult.
前共和国时期的古老的赫特人把尼克托人从邪教中拯救了出来。 starwarsfans.cn

The hand design changed, though, perhaps suggesting yet another Nikto sub-race not yet accounted for.
手部设计也被更改了,这也许暗示着又一个未加说明的尼克托人亚种。 starwarsfans.cn

The Nikto were designed by Creature Supervisor Phil Tippett, first as a maquette, and then as a slip-on mask for a number of background alien extras in Return of the Jedi.
尼克托人由生物总监 Phil Tippett设计,先是小模型,然后是套头面具,供《武士归来》中的数个群众演员使用。 starwarsfans.cn

The Nikto character, like fellow characters Barada and Klaatu, were named after the1951 science fiction classic, The Day the Earth Stood Still.
尼克托人角色,跟角色巴拉达 Barada和克拉图 Klaatu一样,都是根据1951年的经典科幻电影《地球停转之日》命名的。 starwarsfans.cn

The Nikto design was reused for Episodes I and II, this time with new masks.
尼克托人的设计形象在首部曲和二部曲中被再次应用,但用了新的面具。 starwarsfans.cn

During production, Nikto doubled as both a character and species name.
制作过程中,尼克托既是角色名也是种族名。 starwarsfans.cn

In that film, Klaatu, the man from outer space, says the cryptic alien phrase, “ Klaatu, Barada, Nikto” in order to control the giant robot, Gort.
那部电影中,来自外太空的人克拉图 Klaatu说着晦涩的外星语“ Klaatu, Barada, Nikto”,以控制巨大的机器人 Gort。 starwarsfans.cn

Radiation from a nearby nova is believed to have sparked rampant mutation among the animal life of Kintan, and has resulted in the Nikto species encompassing a number of distinct sub-races.
据信,一颗邻近新星的辐射,使得金坦星的动物激烈变异,导致尼克托人演生出众多各异的亚种。 starwarsfans.cn

Since that time, the blood cult has arisen anew on several occasions, each time being put down by the Nikto, the Jedi, the Hutts or others.
从那以后,血腥的邪教屡次死灰复燃,又屡次被尼克托人自己、绝地武士、赫特人或其他人扑灭。 starwarsfans.cn

Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones revealed that not all Nikto end up in the underworld, as several Nikto are seen among the Jedi Knights in the Geonosian arena.
《星球大战2:克隆人的进攻》则揭示出,并非所有的尼克托人最终都在底层世界中谋生,因为在吉奥诺西斯竞技场,可以看见几个尼克托人出现在绝地武士的队伍里。 starwarsfans

The humanoid species known as the Nikto have tan, leathery skin and flat faces with multiple breathing holes on their cheeks and jawbones. Four small horns protrude from the Nikto's forehead.
此人形种族被称为尼克托人 Nikto,有黄褐色的坚韧皮肤,扁平的面孔,面颊和腭骨上布满呼吸孔,额头上刺出四支小角。 starwarsfans.cn

Though the Nikto may have warred because of their differences in their early history, the harsh task of surviving their planet's dangers united them as a people.
也许尼克托人早期曾因种族差异相互争战,但最终他们还是作为同族联手,共同对抗母星恶劣的环境。 starwarsfans.cn

Nikto can be found throughout the galaxy, often involved with shady activities in the galaxy's fringe.
尼克托人遍布银河系,常在星系外围从事阴暗的活动。 starwarsfans.cn




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