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词汇 Nikon
释义 Nikon ˈnaɪˌkɑːn 高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
In the past, the conventional wisdom was that manufacturers with a traditional photographic lineage Nikon, Canon, Olympus, Pentax etc. made the best digital cameras.
过去,传统的购物经验是拥有制作相机传统的厂商,如尼康,佳能,奥林巴斯和宾得等,能够生产最好的数码相机。 yeeyan

Several companies have purchased licenses, include Apple, Hewlett-Packard, Motorola and Nikon, the company said.
包括苹果、惠普、摩托罗拉和尼康等公司都已经购买了专利许可权。 yeeyan

The picture resolution, he added, was indistinguishable from that of his other point- and-shoots, a Canon and a Nikon.
画面的分辨率和其他公司的相机,例如佳能和尼康的并没有太大不同。 yeeyan

What makes that video feature so intriguing is that this is the first Nikon to feature full- time autofocus and audio while shooting video.
该视频拍摄功能最吸引人之处在于,这是尼康首次采用的拍摄全程自动对焦和录音功能。 yeeyan

With over10 years of experience in the photographic industry, they both have a passion for shooting memorable& striking images using the highest quality professional Nikon cameras and lenses.
在摄影行业浸淫十年以上,他们都十分钟爱用最高画质的专业尼康相机和镜头拍摄值得纪念和震撼人心的图片。 kekenet

ASML is pushing hard to bring EUV to the22-nm node, but Nikon believes that the technology will not be ready until the 16- or11-nm node.
ASML目前着力于在22nm节点制程推广 EUV光刻技术的普及性,而尼康则认为 EUV技术要到16nm或11nm节点才有可能发展成熟。

At the moment Sony, Pentax and Olympus offer in- body sensor stabilization, whereas Canon, Panasonic and Nikon offer stabilized lenses including standard'kit' lenses.
当下,索尼、宾得以及奥林巴斯都提供机身防抖,而佳能、松下和尼康则偏重镜头防抖技术包括一些标准镜头。 yeeyan

Camera maker Nikon Corp. climbed3.6 percent in Tokyo after Credit Suisse Group AG upgraded the stock.
在 AG上调其公司评级后,东京照相机厂商尼康股票上涨了3.6%。 yeeyan

Each camera can capture photographs with over12- megapixel resolutions, and the Nikon and Samsung have5x and4.6x wide-angle zoom lenses, respectively.
这两款相机都可以拍摄超过1,200万像素的照片,尼康和三星都是广角镜头,变焦分别为5倍和4.6倍。 iciba

Having been one of the judges of the Nikon Small World competition this year, I know how many truly stunning contenders there were.
作为今年“尼康小世界”大赛的评委之一,我知道真的有许多出色的参赛作品。 yeeyan

However, Nikon is stealing the spotlight today with the announcement of its new D7000 D- SLR.
然而,随着今天新款 D7000单反相机的发布,尼康公司还是吸引了众多公众的目光。 yeeyan

I focused my testing on the unique physical features of each camera: the Nikon's built-in projector and the Samsung's two LCD screens.
我将测试重点放在两款相机独特的外部功能上:尼康的内置投影仪和三星的双液晶屏。 iciba

I shoot on Nikon D3X and D3S using lenses from14mm up to300mm. 3D Rigs on helicopters are a nightmare, especially as I might use three different types of helicopters in a week.
我用尼康 D3X和 D3S进行拍摄,焦距14mm--300mm。直升机上3D拍摄就如同噩梦般,特别是我可能会在一周内使用3种不同型号的直升机进行拍摄。 yeeyan

I used the Nikon D3 on these as well but mostly with the85mm.
我是用的相机是 Nikon D3,大部分照片是使用85mm镜头。 yeeyan

On this night, I had been out test-shooting my new Nikon D700 camera in the garden.
这天晚上,我在花园里测试新相机——尼康 D700。 yeeyan

Since then, the popularity of Sony TVs, Nikon cameras, Panasonic radios, Toyota and Datsun cars, and Honda and Yamaha motorbikes has turned the picture upside down.
从那以后,索尼电视、尼康相机、松下收音机、丰田和日产汽车、本田和雅马哈摩托车使情况颠倒过来了。 yeeyan

Sponsored by Nikon, the annual contest showcases“ the beauty and complexity of life as seen through the light microscope.”
这项年度比赛由尼康赞助,旨在展现“通过光学显微镜看到的生命的美丽和复杂性。” yeeyan

This year's winning images in Nikon's Small World photomicrography contest are arguably the best in the competition's36 years.
今年尼康微观世界摄影大赛获奖作品无疑使此项赛事36年来最棒的。 yeeyan

Using the Nikon D3, we shot with a105mm2.8 macro lens.
我使用的是 Nikon D3,镜头是105mm F2.8的微距头。 yeeyan

Witness the way Canon, Nikon and others, not content with including audio recording in their digital cameras, have now added high-definition video and even built-in projectors as well.
看看佳能、尼康和其他一些厂家的做法吧,他们对数码相机配有录音功能并不满足,于是配备了高清摄像甚至是内置投影仪。 yeeyan

You can pay a lot more, but I tell everyone who asks to get the Nikon D5000.
你可以花更多的钱,但是我告诉每一个咨询我的人去买一部 D5000。 yeeyan

You will switch to Nikon.
你将来会成为尼康的粉丝。 yeeyan

Nikon has confirmed the Coolpix Sa00pj projector camera and the Coolpix S5100 compact camera after both cams being unwittingly outed in a German magazine.
尼康在一本德国杂志不经意透露出他们的 Sa00pj投影相机和 S5100相机之后,确认了该消息真实性。 yeeyan

Nikon is also reversing its losses in lithography.
另外,尼康光刻机业务也开始扭亏为盈。 cnbeta

Nikon and rival ASML Holding NV are going toe-to-toe in lithography, but the two the companies have markedly different strategies.
尼康和 ASML在高端光刻机领域是一对死对头,不过两家公司的EUV战略有着显著的不同之处。

Nikon said it would overhaul its operations making devices for use in the production of semiconductors.

Nikon says the camera's projector will work for an hour before its battery runs out.
尼康说,相机电池可以支持投影仪工作一个小时。 iciba

Nikon says this price is largely due to the cost of its built-in projector.
尼康声称这个价格主要是由于内置投影仪的成本。 iciba




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