释义 |
Niimi 基本例句 n.新见在日本;东经 133º27' 北纬 35º00' Xinhua News Agency, Tokyo, June 26 The Tokyo District Court opened its session on the 26th and sentenced TomomitsuNiimi, an Aum Shinrikyo cult leader, to death on charges of murder and attempted murder and other crimes.新华社东京6月26日电记者张焕利日本东京地方法院26日开庭,以杀人和杀人未遂等罪名判处邪教组织奥姆真理教头目新实智光死刑。 Nakatani said, since the defendantNiimiparticipated in a series of malicious killings masterminded by the Aum Shinrikyo cult and played a key role in them, he should be sentenced to death.中谷说,被告新实参与了奥姆教制造的一系列恶性杀人案件,并在其中起了重要作用,应当被判死刑。 TomomitsuNiimiis the eighth Aum Shinrikyo cult leader who has been sentenced to death since the Tokyo District Court sentenced the Aum Shinrikyo cult leader Kiyohide Hayakawa to death in July 2000.自2000年7月东京地方法院判处奥姆教头目早川纪代秀死刑以来,新实智光是被判死刑的第八名奥姆真理教头目。 NiimiY.Han D S.Mori S.Kobayashi H Detection of cucumber mosaic virus,lily symptomless virus and lily mottle virus in Lilium species by RT-PCR technique 2003,日本人,官员。⎫ |