

单词 Nihewan
释义 Nihewan
According to the records of early human activities, Nihewan strata is an invaluable geological relic that has undergone the evolution of the earth and creations since the later Cenozoic Era.
记录中国北方晚新生代以来地球演化、生物进化与古人类活动的“泥河湾层” ,是珍贵的地质遗迹。 cnki

These in turn offered the necessary living condition for early ancient humen. The Nihewan basin is a potential area to find the early ancient humen fossils.
该裂谷型盆地是适于早期古人类生存和发展的地区,泥河湾盆地将是我国最有可能发现早期古人类化石的地点。 journal.geomech.ac.cn

The Nihewan Basin is located at northeast end of the Fe n Wei rift val ley system, and constitutes an important part of it.
泥河湾盆地位于汾渭裂谷系的东北端,是裂谷系的重要组 成部分。 journal.geomech.ac.cn

Thus we can infer that Nihewan ape-man may either rest under the bare cliff of the Gorge Area or be buried in the marsh country or deep in the lake bed, or in the accumulation layer of the cavern.
由此推测,泥河湾大猿人或沉睡于沟壑区的裸崖下,或葬身于沼泽地带和湖底,或安葬于山洞的堆积层里。 cnki




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