

单词 night wind
释义 night wind短语⁷⁸¹⁰¹
The night wind revolves in the sky and sings.
夜风在天空中回旋并低唱。 ebigear

Night wind Department, poplar leaves rustles, they are singing from the songs?
夜风处,白杨树的叶子沙沙响,它们是在吟唱离歌吗? enwaimao.cn

I stared at the moon senselessly, tasting my own loneliness, listening to the night wind, and felt my heart intoxicatedly quiet.

She and the man walking in the distance, Sunset turning them into red. , I feel sad, like the night wind blowing in the valley!
她和那个男人在远处散步,落日映红他们,我却感觉到凄凉,如同山谷送来的夜风。 chinalovematch

Wandering on a moonlit night of the killing, harvester knife pregnant think the night wind's whisper.
徘徊在月夜的杀戮,持刀的收割者怀想着夜风的絮语。 blog.sina.com.cn

When all things repose do you alone awake; And the night wind answering in antiphon till night is over gone?
当万物沉寂,你是否悄然独醒,而晚风以颂歌作答直到夜晚逝去? blog.sina.com.cn

Night wind, comfort surface is gentle.
是晚风,抚面,温柔。 chinavalue

Wind no longer a night wind.




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